Chapter 15

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I'm soooo sorry it's out so late, I was a little distracted by my BF XD I get nothing done when I'm around him ^^' Enjoy!

The city was buzzling with people; Mobians were walking into shopping centres and leaving, cars were congesting the roads, there was laughing, yelling, talking and sometimes only a slight murmur. Everything was peaceful, nothing being disturbed.

Until a bright flash appeared on the walkway, and a black hedgehog and (f/c) (a/t) appeared in everyone's way.

People stopped and stared, before going about their business. Some recognised the dark hedgehog and pulled out their phones, taking photos, others started to talk about him.

Shadow glanced around him, his ears twitching to the noises around him and he let out a small growl. He had gotten them out of G.U.N with only a few small problems. One of them was that he was injured. There were burning sensations all over his body from the bullet wounds he had received.

(Y/N) was no better, she was leaning against him, unable to keep herself on her feet. Her bruises were more visible in the sunlight, a lot bigger than Shadow had realised, and her eye had swollen shut. She felt limp against his body, but her ears twitched to the sounds of the people around them.

Who were still taking pictures and even recording them.

Shadow turned a glare to all of them, before standing and wrapping his arm around the (a/t)'s waist. He started to limp through the crowd, thankful that people parted for them, even if their phones were still in their faces.

"Sh...A..." (Y/N) let out a weak whine.

"It's okay, we're safe now." Shadow stated, he wanted to carry her, make sure she was okay, but he was also using her to keep himself up, "Once we get to Rouge's, we'll be even safer."

"N...No... Desert... Ruins..."

"We need to look after ourselves, first, we can continue with the mission once we're able to stand on our own." He said, the pain in his back seemed to grow worse, a reminder that he too would need to heal.


"This is a city." The hedgehog said, assuming the girl was asking about it, "It's called Station Square, this is where most people live now-days."

"Pretty..." Was all she mumbled, her head moving slightly as she looked around. Her gaze was a mix of fear and awe, the city was definitely a big place and must seem very intimidating for someone who has never seen it before.

"It is. Now stay close, the city may be pretty but it's people sometimes aren't."

The (a/t) nodded and leant more into the hedgehog as the two limped down the street. (Y/N) hadn't realised that Shadow was limping, however, until she turned her (e/c) gaze on him. Seeing the blood trickling down his back, and the slight flinch in his leg every time he took a step was suddenly alarmingly obvious.

"You're hurt..." She mumbled, closing her one good eye as they walked, "I'm... Sorry..."

"It's alright." The hedgehog stated, glaring at onlookers as they mumbled and stared, "This is normal when you're an agent... It's just not normally your team that is shooting you."


"I do have an important question though." The dark Mobian continued, "Did you tell the Commander anything about the artefact?"

The object seemed to suddenly feel heavy in the (a/t)'s hands. She had forgotten she even had it. The Golden Moon had been docile this whole time, not radiating even the slightest bit of energy or even a soft glow.

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