Chapter 13

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Sorry, it's another shorty (like me), but please enjoy anyway!!!

He wasn't coming. Shadow wasn't going to save her.

The (a/t) closed her eyes, lowering her head. Now what? Was she going to be stuck here forever? Was she going to die inside these cold metal walls? What a life to live. Losing her family, her old life, and then being betrayed by the only person she trusted, to die in some foreign area.

And what of Shadow? Why would he only save the artefact? Didn't (Y/N) mean anything to him?

No, of course not. She was just as the Commander said, a nuisance; of course Shadow wouldn't save her, she'd get in his way again. Though the thought of him abandoning her sent an ache through her stomach. Why did she have to be left behind?

How could he do this to her? Why would he do this to her?

Why would he put so much time and effort into making sure she was safe, only to abandon her when things got too serious? She was glad the Golden Moon was safe but she wanted to be there with it, protecting it from the world, and Shadow had just left her.

"I understand how you feel (Y/N)..." The Commander's voice made her ears twitch, but they stayed pressed against her head, "I too have been betrayed by that hedgehog. He cares for no one other than himself."

She heard him move, as if walking around her, before the warmth of his body stood next to her. She heard him crouch, a hand on her arm, she flinched.

"I know how it feels to be stabbed in the back, and therefore I give sympathy. Show me how to use the Crescent Life Source, and I'll let you go. Show me how it works, and you'll be free."

The (a/t) wanted to pull away from him. His presence felt almost dirty, as if he was hiding something from her, as if he was lying.

But what was he lying about? Letting her go?

She let out a growl. How could she trust this man after what he's done to her? She'd rather die than give him the opportunity to destroy the world.

The Commander watched her, waiting for an answer. She gave none. He frowned, before pulling out a gun,

"Fine, have it your way."

There was a click, and then a loud clang.

I told you it was short XD Sorry about that, but this chapter is semi-important. Anyway, see you in the next one!

A/N: Whenever that will be...

Haven Out!!!

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