Chapter 11

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Sorry guys, this will be another short one... I promise they will get better though! (tbh this one was always gonna be short)

Also, if you couldn't tell, I couldn't decide on a name for the moon thing, I had settled on Crescent Life Source but it just... Sucked. So throughout the book I found different names for it. Therefore it will have a different title for each character

(i.e. to the Commander it is the Crescent Life Source -or CLS for short- and to you -the reader- it is the Crescent Moon or Golden Moon. To Shadow it is all of them, depending on his mood and such)

So yeah apologies if it gets confusing as fuck, I was just super indecisive and tested out all names. Even still, enjoy!!!

(Y/N) slowly came to, the (a/t) letting out a soft whine as a throb started in her skull. She lifted her head slowly, trying to look around at her surroundings but everything was dark. Correction, she was blindfolded. Her ears pinned back as clicking sounds filled the room, along with other strange noises. What was going on? And where was she?

All she remembered was seeing Shadow on the ground. Was he alive? Dead? And then the human that had hurt him had also hurt her. All she remembers is blacking out, and now she was here.

But where was here?

The Mobian's ears twitched to the sound of something opening, footsteps entering a room.

"Good, she's awake." The voice sounded familiar, was it that human?

A moment of silence passed, the sound of scuffling feet flanked both the (a/t)'s sides and the blindfold was removed. Bright light blinded her for a moment, causing her the blink rapidly and lower her head.

The beeping and clicking continued and slowly, she raised her head. She was in a room made of something shiny and silver coloured. Along one wall was a large window, however all she could see was her reflection. Along another wall was stuff that confused her to no end.

Other windows with small images on them, flashing lights and button and levers. (Y/N) had never seen anything like it. It hurt her head to even look at.

"I'm glad you're finally awake (Y/N)." Her head snapped to in front of her, where the old man from the dessert stood, almost glaring at her, "Now that you're conscious, would you mind telling us how this works?"

He held up the Crescent Moon, and the (a/t) growled.

"No." Was all she muttered.

"I do insist." The man said, giving her a stern look, "Keep in mind that we have ways of making you talk (Y/N)."

How did he even know her name? Why didn't she know his? She thought back to all the times Shadow may have, or had mentioned him. The Commander seemed to stick with her the most, so that must be it.

Even still, she didn't like him using her name.

"It's Guardian to you..." She huffed next, "And I won't tell."

The Commander only sighed, shaking his head, "Fine, we can do this the hard way."

With a flick of his multicoloured eyes, one of the guards at her side turned and slammed his fist into her side. The (a/t) let out a pained gasp, all air left her lungs for a split moment, before she as able to catch her breath. A sharp pain went through her other side and she realised the other guard had hit her as well.

"We can do that all night." The Commander stated coldly, no sign of mercy in his gaze.

All night? How long had (Y/N) been here for?

And where was Shadow? Would he come to save her?

The Mobian growled lowly, before biting her tongue. If he was on his way, she had to make sure to hold out. She couldn't let this evil man learn of the Crescent Moon, she couldn't let him destroy the world.

If that meant pain, she would endure it.

Even if it scared the life out of her. She didn't know what this people could, or would do for that matter.

"No?" The older man frowned, before gripping the artefact close to his body, "Fine. Do as you wish agents."

He waved his hand, before leaving the room. The two guards seemed to snicker to each other, and the (a/t) let out a whine of fear.

She will not break. No matter what. Even as the hits started coming.

-Sh-Shadow... Please hurry...-

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