Chapter 24

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It's short for a reason :3 Enjoy!!!

(Y/N) watched in horror as Shadow slid down the wall, a trail of his blood being left on the white tiles as he fell to the ground. The hedgehog let out a gasp, his eyes wide as he clutched his chest in pain, clearly surprised by the attack.

"I should have killed you from the start." The Commander stepped into the room, still pointing the gun at the hedgehog. He fired another two rounds at him.

"No!" (Y/N) jumped in the way, holding her hand up. The bullets stopped in their tracks, still spinning in the air merely a few centimetres from her nose. Both herself and the human blink in surprise, watching the bullets float in mid-air, before the human lets out a growl.

He fire more at the (a/t), but once again the bullets came to a stop. (Y/N) watched, before smirking to herself; the cold air coming from the air vents moved around her arm, as if flowing like water, and stopped the bullets from reaching her or Shadow's forms.

With a swing of her arm, all of projectiles were sent back towards the human, and he let out a pained gasp, before slumping back against the door, leaving a smear of blood, and thumping into the floor.

He did not move again.

(Y/N), now panting, stares at his body. Once she was certain he wouldn't get up, she turned her attention back to Shadow, crouching in front of him.

"Shadow? Shadow answer me!" She cupped his muzzle in her hands, tears in her eyes.

The hedgehog let out a groan, slowly opening his eyes. He flinched slightly, before leaning into her hold,

"Thank Gods... You're okay..." He muttered, gently holding onto her arm.

"That doesn't matter right now." (Y/N) said, "You're injured and we need to get you help.

"Tails..." He lets out a groan as the (a/t) lifts him up. Using the cold air around them, she managed to get the hedgehog onto her back.

She starts out of the room, making sure to step over the Commander's body. And she saw the blood trickling from his forehead, making her grimace in guilt. But the (a/t) continues on, determined to get Shadow out of the building and to safety.

Finally, she manages to find the exit, and stumbles out into the sunlight. The harsh, warm light made her curl away, before an arm grabbed onto her and pulled her out of the building fully.

"You're okay!" She heard Tails yell, before going quiet, "What happened to Shadow?"

"Sh-Shot..." (Y/N) shakily headed towards the nearest tree, setting Shadow down. She then saw Rouge sitting at another tree, a bandage wrapped around her stomach.

"Shot?!" The fox exclaimed, before his ears lowered, "We need to get him to my workshop, I should be able to fix him there."

"He won't make it to your workshop Tails." (Y/N) said, tears once again threatening to fall as Shadow let out a weak groan, "He took a bullet to the chest."

"B-But he could..." The fox stopped, sniffling quietly, "I'll contact Sonic, he can move Shadow quickly."

"No Tails, I need to fix him, and I need to do it now." She turned to Shadow, before holding her hands over his chest to help stop the bleeding, "You go and get Sonic, he can still help us."

The fox shook his head, glancing at Rouge, "I should help as well. Rouge is injured too, all I could do was bandage her up. But we'd be better if we moved into the forest, no one will find us there."

(Y/N) thinks for a moment, before glancing back at the building. The alarms still blared, and a red light came from inside the door. Clearly there was no one else in the building, but that didn't mean people weren't on their way.

The (a/t) took a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions under control in fear of breaking down. She'd be no help to Shadow if she started freaking out now.

"Alright." She stood, once again picking Shadow up, he hardly even groaned a response, "But we need to hurry, Shadow doesn't have much time."

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