Chapter 22

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It's short for a reason :3 Enjoy!!!

Cold, that's all (Y/N) felt as she floated through the dark abyss. Subconsciously floating, not aware of where she was, or what was going on. All she felt was cold. Something hard pressed against her back, like ice, and the (a/t)'s eyes snapped open.

She was strapped to a table, the freezing metal cutting through her thin clothing and fur, the leather straps around her body keeping her from moving away. The (a/t) shivered as she tried to pull away, to move her hands or sit up, but they were strapped to the table as well, next to her sides.

Trying to lift her head, she felt the tug of more restraints around her forehead and throat. Her legs too, and her stomach. She was stuck, unable to move. A bright light flash on overhead, and she recoiled.

"You're finally awake." The Commander's voice filled the room, it sounded chippy, broken. Was he talking through something?

(Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes darted around the room. Tall white walls surrounded her, a mirror covered one of them, which only seemed to aid the lighting in the room. It was blinding, (Y/N) still couldn't adjust her eyes to it.

A low hum sounded above her head, and she could see air-ducts above the light. Was that what was making it so cold? She had no idea how that was possible. Her eyes widened as her senses kicked in, and the (a/t) started to struggle against the bonds.

"Shadow!" She called out, though her throat was dry, and her voice hoarse, "Rouge! H-Help!"

There was no response. Where they even close to her? Were they even... Alive...?

Surely Shadow will save her again, he found a way last time.

Except last time he hadn't been taken as well, only left in the desert. This time... (Y/N) remembers hearing the Commander tell the other people to take everyone away. Where were they? Would they be able to escape? Would she need to escape and save them?

The sound of something opening made the (a/t) freeze, and she slowly moved her head, trying to see where the noise came from. A door had opened, and the Commander was now in the room, hands clasped behind his back and a satisfied smile spread over his face.

He glared down at the girl with his multicoloured eyes, giving a nod of approval.

"Calling for your friends, smart." He noted, "But useless."

"What have you done with them?!" (Y/N) yelled, pulling against the restraints.

"Now you're a fighter hm?" The human only chuckled, waving his hand dismissively, "Their whereabouts are none of your concern."

"Tell me!" She tried again, though he ignored her, instead walking around the table and examining her.

"Do you know what I'm going to do to you, (Y/N)?" He asked, stalking around the table slowly. He was trying to be intimidating, trying to use fear to shut her up. But the (a/t) was done with fearing him. For now, anyway.

"I don't care. Tell me where Shadow is." She said more sternly, a snap in her voice.

"So brave." The corrupt human only chuckled, "Firstly, I'm going to figure out how you managed to absorb so much power. And then, you'll agree to work for G.U.N. Understood?"

"I'd never work with you." The (a/t) let out a growl.

"I don't think you heard me correctly." The Commander said, his voice stoic, "I said you will agree to work for G.U.N, you will not work with us. You are merely a weapon for war."

"War is bad for the planet. I'm trying to protect it."

The human only sighed, shaking his head slowly as the door opened again, and another human walked in. The new human wore a white coat, with a black undershirt and goggles that sat on top of his sandy yellow hair. His bright green eyes stared down at the (a/t) with a sort of glee, one (Y/N) didn't like.

"You don't seem to understand." The Commander said again, stopping behind the new guy and resting a hand on his shoulder, "You will work for us. Whether you want to or not. And we'll make sure you want to."

The guy let out a chuckle, before sliding some rubber gloves over his hands, his shoulders shaking in pure excitement. (Y/N) recoiled under the blonde male's gaze, now that was definitely intimidating.

"But of course, before we start any of the fun; I want to know how you absorbed the Crescent Life Source's power." The Commander stepped in front of the guy, who left the room momentarily.

"I don't know." The (a/t) said, once again pulling on the restraints, "Shadow said he saw me absorb it randomly, that's all I know."

"But why?" The Commander leant over the girl.

"I don't know!" The (a/t) snapped at him, "Probably so you couldn't use it yourself!"

"Oh... I'll use it. Even if it means using you." The male straightened. The other human returned, this time pulling some weird object behind him. It had wheels and lots of small shelves, which were covered in silver tools.

"So, what do you say (Y/N), will you work for G.U.N, and protect Mobius from all evil?" The Commander took a step back as the guy went through the shiny tools.

"Never." The (a/t) glared at him.

"Alright, I see how this must go." The Commander merely shrugged, "If you change your mind, just say so."

Without another word, the leader of the corrupt organisation left the room, leaving the (a/t) with the strange, giggly blonde. He held up one of the many tools, it gave a whirr as the end spun threateningly, and he made his way over to her.

"This won't hurt a bit." The guy giggled, and (Y/N) started to scream.

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