Chapter 5

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The two Mobians were walking through the forest once again, this time the area seemed familiar to the dark hedgehog, but not to the (f/c) (a/t). It had been silent most of the way, although (Y/N) had questions, she was afraid to ask, afraid she would anger Shadow again.

She had messed up, make a big mistake. Her enemy had seen her because of her curiosity, because of her stupidity, and now both Shadow and (Y/N) were being hunted.

The (a/t) wanted to know who these 'Tails' and 'Sonic' were, and how they would be able to help. The dark hedgehog had wanted to call them and let them know what was going on, but he had broken the communicator in his annoyance.

Which was also a good thing, because G.U.N will most likely track it anyway, and they'll either go to the communicator, or not be able to find it at all. For once Shadow's short temper had been a big help.

Plus, he still has the burner phone. The one he has used to call Rouge on.

But he decided to leave it, it would be better Tails and Sonic know as little as possible, including the fact that Shadow was heading towards them.

The brooding hedgehog glanced at the now timid (a/t), wondering what it was she was thinking, and if she knew just how much danger they were now in.

Of course she knew, she'd dealt with G.U.N before, and they had tried to kill her.

Speaking of...

"So... Mind telling me why you're still alive?" The hedgehog asked, startling (Y/N) out of her deep thoughts.

"Wh-What..?" She glanced at him, before quickly looking away again. Was she... Scared of him?

He huffed, shaking his head, "You've been unconscious for... A very long time. I just want to know how you survived with no food, water, or even oxygen."

"I... I don't know..." She mumbled, "I don't even know how long I was asleep for..."

He sighed, of course she didn't. He hadn't told her yet. But should he? He didn't need her distracted, not while they were most likely being chased. He watched as she scratched at her head, her eyes closing in thought.

"I think... The forest kept me alive..." She mumbled, "Yes... They looked after me while I was asleep, I don't remember much about it, but I remember times I felt cold, or hungry, and I'd suddenly be warm, full. I think the forest was keeping me alive."

"But why? And how?"

"I had protected it from those... People..." She gripped the artefact close to her chest, "They wanted this... To destroy everything... And I was willing to die protecting it. I... I don't..."

She stumbled a little and the hedgehog caught her, alarmed by her sudden lack of energy. He sighed again, before picking her up.

"You're probably hungry now, or if anything exhausted." He kept walking, focusing on the trees and not tripping over roots, "Rest for now. Once we get to Sonic's, you can eat, shower, and hopefully sleep."

The (a/t) nodded slowly, looking up at the hedgehog. She couldn't help but stare, confused by this creature. One moment he was mad, snapping at her or grumbling, and the other moment he was kind, doing stuff like this.

But she couldn't deny his help, because even though she fought it, the darkness around her vision still grew. Why was she so tired?

-Don't worry Guardian... You need your rest... A big fight is coming...-

It was a whisper in the wind, but the (a/t) nodded slowly as the trees lulled her to sleep.

Meanwhile, Shadow kept walking. His mind was reeling as he broke from the forest, onto a dirt road. He looked around, checking to make sure no one followed him as he continued on.

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