Know it all{Chapter II}

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May Farrington
My alarm went off waking me out my deep slumber. I had to hurry to work so I wouldn't be late. I got up, threw my scrubs on, brushed my hair and fixed my hair. Before I left I grabbed my lunchbox, grabbed keys to my car and kissed Kendall goodbye even though he was still asleep. I got to work early and I saw Jp on my floor.

"What you doing down here? I thought they had you on floor 5?" I asked him
"Child I thought they had me on floor 5 too but they moved me down here. I'm just glad I don't have the emergency room." He replied
"Right, emergency be so busy at night and child they be going through it. I hate when they call me down there" I expressed to him
"I never been down there I be sending RN's down there got me messed up if they think Ima be down there. I be tired I worked too hard to ever work in emergency. Yanaí coming to work today?" He asked me

"I don't know, you know she be late almost every morning" I told him
"yall talking shit already it's only 8:22" Yanaí said from behind us
"Look what the cat dragged in" Jp replied

"Boy fuck you, I was sleepy. That wine probably got to me for real" she said
"That's why I only had two glasses" I said
"Girl shut the fuck up" Yanaí replied
"You shut the fuck up" I replied back
"Why you down here anyway?" Jp asked her

"I needed to pick up something and I wanted to speak to yall but I'll be on my way since yall want me to leave" Yanaí said
"Stop being dramatic but let's get to work...later Yanaí " Jp
"Bye bitches" she said walking away throwing a peace sign in the air
"Bye hoe!" I shouted out so she could hear me

I was ripping and running through the halls all day. When it hit 7:30 I was so happy to leave. I walked downstairs to leave and both Yanaí and Jp were standing by valet waiting on their cars to be brought back.

"Y'all really pay for that foolishness? I can't believe it. What a waste of money." I said

"Baby my big ass hate walking all the way to my car so valet it is" Jp replied
"Exactly" Yanaí said
"Sad! Later though" I replied
"Okay call us" They both said as I walked off
"I will" I said back

I walked to my car and drove in silence. When I got home Kendall car wasn't there so I assumed he was still at work. I walked in the house and started to prepare dinner.

Hours passed by and Kendall still wasn't home, I was starting to worry because usually he'll be home by now. I called his phone back to back but I didn't get a answer from him. I started to panic so I called Jp because Eli and Kendall used to work together up until Eli got fired.

"Jp?" I said urgently into the phone
"Yes? What's going on May?" He asked me
"Does Eli still have Kendall number I need him to call him because it's 10:00 o'clock and Kendall isn't home yet. So please see if he'll answer Eli he probably mad at me or something I'm just really worried" I told him

"Okay, He should let me go ask him. Eli you still have Kendall number?" I heard him ask
"What did he say?" I asked
"He do he calling right now" he replied
A minute passed by and Jp told me that Kendall didn't pick up Eli call either.
I thanked him and hung up the phone, I didn't know what to do so I decided to go to his job. On my way there I suddenly stopped because I saw him with his hood lifted in the middle of nowhere.

I got out the car and walked over and hugged him tightly and told him I was worried about him.
"I'm sorry baby, my phone died and my car broke down" he told me
"It's okay I'm just glad I drove out here to make sure you was okay" I said to him

"I'm okay baby relax. Let's go home I'll call the people tomorrow" he said
We got in the car and drove back home. My heart has never beaten so fast in my whole life. I really loved this man and I couldn't see myself without him, we been through ups and downs ever since we were in high school.

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