Trapped{Chapter XXX}

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Kamora Gray
"Jalen, I don't understand you. You claim you love me but you used to abuse me badly. You're controlling as fuck that isn't love that's domestic violence." I said

"Don't talk back to me it's not right" he replied as he slapped me across the face

I just looked at him with fear and anger in my eyes. This is what I feared for my whole life, nobody understood the danger that he brought.

He was one scary person and I couldn't get over it at all. I couldn't believe that when I was younger that I thought I loved him.

I was too blind to see that he was a monster in disguise preying on me. When I got away I lived in fear of this day but after a while I didn't think he'll find me.

I knew he was going to look for me after that run in at the diner but I wasn't completely sure that he was going to find me and do this again.

I could've sworn that he would change and probably grow up then apologize to me for all the trouble he has caused me.

Apparently not though, years couldn't change nobody unless that person wanted to change.

He was a fucking psycho though and I wished I would've known that when Bella introduced him to me.

He had took me away from my only friend and left me feeling devastated and hurt.

To this day he still had an effect on me. Now I was back in the situation that I escaped years ago.

He had left the room and I was just sitting there just letting my thoughts take over.

If I had been honest with my friends and told them everything about what happened to me maybe they could've found me by now.

I was a secretive person because my truth was too ugly to ever be talked about.

You know how you don't think before you do something and the outcome is shitty? And you had wished you thought about it before acting on it immediately? Well that was me.

I wished I had told my friends all about what had happened to me and my dirty past but I was too traumatized to ever think back on it.

Those flashbacks were just awful memories but they brought fear to me and made me gave me chills.

I sat there feeling useless and scared, I was so hungry and tired it made no sense.

I was hoping that my friends and Kj found me. I started a new life once and I wasn't going to do it again, this time I was going to make sure that he paid for everything because it effected my life tremendously.

"Jalen please! Just untie me from this pole and I'll behave just how you want me to. I won't do anything wrong I swear."

I figured the only way for me to survive was to play his wicked game. He was twisted in the mind and that left me to think above that. I couldn't let his illness effect me from trying to leave this awful place.

If I wanted to be a free bird I had to play by the rules and cheat my way out. I couldn't back talk or anything no matter how bad I wanted to.

I had to become that naive girl from college who I used to be again. Just play dumb but not dumb as I used to be.

He wanted me to listen to him and that's what I was going to do. Tell him what he wants to hear so he wouldn't hit me.

I had to keep this baby alive, although it would've been hard to bite my tongue I still had to do it for May and Kendall's sake.

I heard him walking back down the hallway and I was overjoyed because if he really untied me then this would be a great way to earn his trust up until I had me an escape plan.

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