News{Chapter III}

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Yanaí Tate
I was awoken by the morning sun shining right through my big ass apartment window. I got up and got ready for work so I wouldn't be late. I finished getting ready and headed to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I always put something on my stomach before I went to work because I knew it'll be awhile before I ate.

I got in my car and drove to work, I looked down at the bottles I drunk from last night and just sighed. I had a small drinking problem, I could go one day without drinking but when I did drink I was messing with my body. Nothing happened so far but I was trying to stop but that wasn't working. I hid it from my friends because I didn't want them to think I was a alcoholic.

This has been going on for awhile now and I tried to fight it. I was doing my best at hiding it but I hated keeping things from my friends I didn't know what to do. When I got to work I prepared myself for a long, busy day. I walked inside, clocked in, and greeted May and Jp. We had a little sidebar conversation but I had to hurry and get to my floor because my boss be bitching and I didn't have time for it.

After a short day which was unexpected, I met up with Jp, May and Kamora because we were going out somewhere. We haven't really had a chance to talk to each other since that night at Kamoras house so we linked up to catch up although I saw Jp and May damn near everyday.

I walked in the fancy restaurant that we were linking up at and I was surprisingly late as always.
"Well finally bitch!!!" Jp said as I took my seat
"Boy shut the fuck up" I replied
"Can we not do this? Okay thank you" May said
"You shut up too" I said
"Y'all done? Because I'm ready to order" Kamora said
"Fat ass" we all said in unison
"Fuck y'all okay?" She said back

"When we going to this spa my back hurting baby!!" Jp complained
"When you shut your trap, I'll book it soon just be patient. Next week is a busy week because both of you are having events so I'll book it soon so we all relieve our stress" May said
"Okay good cause I want my back to be massaged honey!" Jp replied
"Ugh you cheese me" I said looking at Jp

"Girl shut up" Jp replied
"Nope! Not doing this let's just order like regular civilians" Kamora said chiming in
The waitress took our order and we begin to talk about regular things in our personal lives.
"Wait! How were you late if we work at the same place" Jp asked me
"I had to handle something damn but at least I came" I replied
"Well how long you was coming because we got here way before you. You need to work on being on time it's a shame" May said

"Y'all can really shut up. If I was late then that's too fucking bad" I teased
"Girl anyways what's going on with everybody what's the tea sis? What we need to catch up on?" Jp asked
"Well nothing happens in my life so don't ask me shit" I said
"Lie again" May said replying to my comment

"What? Nothing never happens" I said
"Girl okay anyways" she said
"All yall be busy so something going on so spill" Jp said
"How about you spill since you want everybody else to spill" Kamora said
"No because baby girl this isn't about me" he said

"The hell it is, tell Mora about your flirt buddy at work" I said smirking at him
"Bitch! I don't be flirting with him he's married to a women he's not gay" Jp replied
"What that mean? He can always turn gay and the way he be looking at you got me questioning his sexuality" I said

"Baby I have a boyfriend okay? So let's leave it at that" he replied
"Like you care about him anyway you and Eli are so close to breaking up I can smell it" May threw in 
"Since when did you become a therapist for relationships? And somebody please tell me what's going on, who's your "flirting buddy"?" Kamora asked

"Girl fuck you it's just that I've been married so long I know the downfalls of a relationship thank you very much" May replied
"Bitch they talking about Dr.Jackson fine ass" Jp said as he blushed and stuck his tongue out
"Girl bye and Dr.Jackson? Married Dr.Jackson?" Mora asked
"Girl bye he don't give a fuck about her. Like he'll deadass cheat on her no cap" I said

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