SHH!{Chapter XXIX}

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Yanaí Tate
"Oh wow I'm convinced that I'll be seeing you everywhere" I said as I ended my conversation with the instructor

"Right, first the cafe and now here. I guess we just share the same interest" she replied

"Yeah I think so too, so how long you been going here?" I asked her

"I been a member to this studio for a couple years now. They do good here, yoga is very relaxing for my nerve. It also kept me tame after my baby" she said

"oh really? Well that's good to hear because it's my first time and I usually don't do stuff like this. It's not my flavor" I replied

"It's never anyone's flavor, yoga is a thing you can get into after awhile" she stated

"I would hope so because I plan on doing this often. This and mommy and me classes" I said

"oh wow really? That's great, you doing the mommy and me classes with a dad or no?" She asked

"Nah, the father and I aren't on good terms at the moment but I'll catch you later I think it's starting" I replied cutting things short

"Most def, how about we go to lunch after this? I'm going to the same cafe we seem to keep running into each other at" she offered

"Okay cool" I said agreeing to her offer

"Yeah that'll be cool, I have good intentions to getting to know you. Seems like the universe is trying to pin us together since I'm always bumping into you" she told me

"Really though but we'll talk after the session" I said with a smile

She was cool but I kept my distance because I wasn't really friendly. It was nice to be familiar with some people that's why I took it into consideration.

I was bitchy but not full blown bitch because she genuinely seem nice.
She walked off and I went  and placed my mat down on a spot.

After that long ass yoga session I was winded,getting pregnant was a
mistake. I was so ready to eat I was hoping that lunch was fully on her.

"That was a okay session I wasn't expecting it to go like that" I said

"Yeah yoga is lovely you'll get used to it after a while. My first week I was questionable about the studio but then I stated to give it a actual chance" she replied

"Yeah I'm sure I will but carrying this baby make the positions 10 times harder" I expressed

"I feel you 100% percent on that, don't stress though it's better to take your time while doing them. I'll meet you at the cafe though and lunch is on me just Incase you were wondering" she told me

"Oh okay, thanks again" I replied

I made my way to the cafe to meet her there. I parked my car and walked inside and plopped down at a table.

When I looked out the window I saw her walking up.

"You ordered?" She asked me

"Nah, I was waiting on you" I replied

"Alright that's fine I'll order for you.
What you want?" She asked

"Just get me a croissant egg,cheese and bacon sandwich with a small orange juice" I told her


She walked away to order the food and came back and pulled out the chair.

"Okay here you go, so what's with your free time?" She asked me

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