2.77 "K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy."

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Ames Police station.

Officer Levitt "Arthur Swenson. Real top-shelf officer. 20 years on the force. He'd ordered a pizza, which the vic delivered. "

Sam "And then? "

Levitt "The vic didn't make his next drop-off. His body was found on the walk in front of Swenson's. "

Dean "And he wasn't wearing a heart?"

Levitt shook his head " No. Heartless. "

Sam " And, uh, what about Swenson? "

Levitt "Crumpled on the front stoop. Covered in blood, crying like a baby. Ironically, he had been in court all week, testifying. "

The phone rang.

Levitt "Excuse me. "

then he answered the phone "hello... "

Sam "So that couldn't have been him in Minneapolis."

Dean sighed "I hate when this happens. "

Levitt hung up on the phone.

Me " So, this Arthur guy, what does – what does he have to say? "

Levitt "Uh... it's not real helpful. "

Jail interview room.

We were standing in the room watching Arthur.

Arthur was sitting at a table clasping and unclasping his hands and repeating the Same words over and over "K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy. K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy. "

Dean" So, you getting his statement? "

Sam "Uh, yeah, k-kind of. Probably not. "

Dean " It's too bad I dropped out of Lunatic 101. "

Sam " Whatever it is, it sounds like he's repeating it. "

Dean " Look at his eyes. Hey, Arthur... did you do this alone? "

Me " Arthur, did some invisible voice tell you you had to kill? "

Suddenly Arthur started to bang his hands on the table" K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy! K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy."

Dean"Oh, now you've pissed him off. "

I shot him a look.

Dean "Hey, Art. Can I call you Art? Listen, I'm gonna sprinkle your arm with holy water "

He took out the flask "and it's gonna steam and burn if you're possessed by a demon. He's a mushroom. "

Dean poured holy water on Arthur's arm. Nothing happens.

Sam"Okay, not possessed. "

Dean" Arthur, you want to tell us why you did this? "

Arthur "K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy."

Dean" Okay. "

Then he walked to the door.

At the motel.

Sam was playing the recording of Arthur's words over and over again.

Sam " So, what do you think? "

Dean " Personally, I prefer the Keith Richards version."

Sam" Can you actually understand any of the words? "

Dean "If they are words. Sounds like babble to me. Wait a second. "

I asked confused "what?"

Dean took his phone out "I bought a translation app. "

Sam raised an eyebrow "You bought an app. "

Dean"Yeah. Here, play it."

He held out his phone and Sam played the recording again.

Dean smirked " And babble wins. "Language unknown."

Suddenly Sam's phone rang.

Sam answered "Agent Sambora. What?"

In the hospital.

Arthur was lying in a hospital bed with a bandage around his head.

I was talking to Dr. Kashi outside the room.

Me "So, Dr Kashi, what are we looking at here, some kind of psychotic break? "

She nodded "Oh, definitely. He was very thorough. Severed the optic nerve. He was determined to remove the eye. "

Me "And he used, uh, what to cut with? "

Dr. Kashi "He doesn't look strong enough, but he broke off part of the bed frame and used it as a knife."

Me "Wow. They should put warning labels on those beds. "

Dr. Kashi " Like I said – determined. "

Me "I noticed that he had two different-colored eyes. "

She nodded "Yes. Apparently, he was in an accident where much of one eye was shattered. His vision was saved with a transplant. "

Dean " When was this?"

Dr. Kashi looked at the file in her hands " A year ago, almost to the date. And, interestingly, it's the transplanted eye he chose to cut out."

Me " Really? Hey, let me ask you something, doc. Is it possible to trace the donor of a transplanted organ?"

She grimaced "Difficult. "

Me "But possible? "

She smiled.

At the motel.

I walked inside and froze when i saw Dean and Sam looking at each other tensed.

Sam "Arthur Swenson had an eye transplant a year ago, right? "

I breathed out relieved "Yeah."

Sam" Well, I remembered that Paul Hayes was talking about a health scare he had a year ago that changed his life, so I pulled up his medical records from Minneapolis. "

Dean looked at him.

Sam " You want me on board, I'm on board. Anyways, you want to guess who else, other than Arthur Swenson, had a transplant in the last year? "

Dean" Paul Hayes?"

Sam" I gave it away, didn't I? "

Dean"Okay, so we've got two suspects in two identical murders in two different cities that both had organ transplants a year ago. "

Sam" Yeah. Also... "

Dean" I love when there's an "also." "

Sam" I got to thinking about all that stuff Arthur Swenson was talking about. Maybe your translation app called it "language unknown" because it's a dead language, like ancient Greek or Manx. "

Dean" Manx? "

Sam"So I e-mailed an audio file of Arthur's mumbling to Dr Morrison. "

Dean asked confused "Who?"

Sam"Dr Morrison, the anthropology Professor who helped us out with the Amazons."

I scoffed "And we all know how that ended. "

They nodded.

Dean " Okay. Well, let's get our asses on the road. "

Sam" Headed to...? "

Dean "Well, if we are in a repeat of a cycle from six months ago, then, after the murders in Minneapolis and in Ames, the next heart attack was in Boulder, Colorado." 

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