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Taehyung's PoV

We began to walk down the path to our class, stopping every once in a while to wave to the girls. Til my eyes landed on the most beautiful creature on this planet. 

He had bright orange hair and chocolate brown eyes, they were shaped like crescents. He had adorable full cheeks and plump lips, his figure was nice to, he was slim and his neck was slightly exposed cause of his beanie holding back some of his hair. 

He looked to me and a faint pink appeared on his face, he smiled and waved softly. I pointed the kid out to Jungkook and Yoongi, they also turned to stare at him. 

The kid looked down and continued following the boy beside him. That's Lee Taemin. I shook my head softly and continued following the rest of the night class. 

We made it into the building and we sat at the desks, making conversations with one another for the next hour. I was talking to Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin were talking, Bob was talking to Hoseok and Sean. And Yoongi had his head down in the corner, probably sleeping. 

"Did you guys see the new kid?" Hoseok asked. "Ya, what about him?" Jin asked. "He's hot." Jungkook said. My blood boiled as he said that, but I maintained my cool. "I agree." Jin said and I nodded. 

"I wonder what his blood tastes like?" Yoongi grumbled, waking up from his nap. All of our eyes flashed for a second, but quickly returned. 

I'm actually curious what his blood taste's like. Is it more of a sweet of savory flavor? "It doesn't look like the teacher is coming in tonight." I said, stretching my back. "No, he caught the flu so we have a free night." Namjoon said. 

"Welp, I am going for a walk." I said as I stood up. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Yoongi asked. "I will be fine, I am just tired of staying inside all day." I replied.  "Alright, be back in 10 minutes." Namjoon said.

I nodded and ran out of the building, happy to get some fresh air. I walked over to the garden, hearing an angelic voice singing, it was relaxing. I followed it and it lead me to him

The new kid. 

Jimin's PoV

I decided to take a walk to get to know the grounds a little more, besides I could not sleep, had a nightmare about my parents. 

I snuck out of the dorm and began walking around. The air is so peaceful. I started to hum as I made my way to the garden. Singing made me relaxed and helped me calm down. I started to sing softly as I stared into the small fountain, but stopped when I heard a twig snap behind me. 

I turned my head, trying to find the source of the sound. "Relax." A deep voice said. Then someone walked out of the shadows, one of the night class students. 

"What's an innocent thing like you doing outside this late at night?" He asked, walking closer to me. "I-i'm sorry, I couldn't sleep and I wanted to take a walk around the school, am I bothering you?" 

"Oh no, quite the opposite, I was bored and was drawn in by your singing, you are really talented." I blushed and looked down, playing with my sleeves. 

"Whats with the blushing?" He asked as he gently grabbed my chin, lifting my head up to look at him. 

"N-nothing. Shouldn't you be in class right now?" I stuttered. 

"Nah, the teacher ain't here tonight so I guess you can say we have a day from class." He replied, releasing his grip off my chin.  "That must be interesting." I said with a smile. "Ya, but it sucks cause we can't leave the classroom." He sighed. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Oh there's so much you don't know about us babyboy." He said softly. "W-well, I should get back to my dorm, I need to get some sleep for tomorrow's classes." I bowed before I walked away. 

But he grabbed my wrist, preventing me from leaving. "What's your name?"  He asked."My name is Park Jimin." I replied. "Kim Taehyung, remember me." He winked before releasing my wrist and walking back to the school building. 

I felt my face heat up, but I gently smacked my face and made my way back to the dorm. I wonder if we will meet again. 

746 words. I am currently re editing this and MY GOSH, the  cringey writing is making me want to throw my laptop out the window. 

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