Twenty Five

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The group was quiet after Hoseok said those words. The problems with vampires is that they can be... possessive and territorial. And if multiple vampires have a certain target, some may walk away with injuries. 

They started feeling off when Jungkook drank Jimin's blood, and they weren't too pleased when Taehyung confessed that he kissed Jimin. That's why Yoongi never confessed to them that he kissed Jimin's forehead that night. 

Everyone was silent, trying to figure out what to do or say. Namjoon was just staring at the ground while Jin was bouncing his leg up and down. Yoongi's tongue was poking the inside of his cheek and Hoseok was picking his nails. Jungkook had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from snapping and Taehyung constantly licking his gums. 

"So... what do we do? We will have to talk about this." Jin finally spoke up. "We don't even know if Jimin has feelings towards any of us." Namjoon said. "We should talk to him about it tonight, maybe we can all go out. Night classes start tomorrow night while the day class start the day after tomorrow." Hoseok suggested. 

"Yeah, we should all go out somewhere, like a restaurant or the mall?" Taehyung asked. After a few minutes of negotiating they decided on the mall since none of them eat much human food. Only certain meats they can eat and they have to be raw and covered in blood. Other than that, their diet is nothing but animal blood. 

"Well I am going to bed, we should all sleep unless we want to pass out tonight." Yoongi said then left the room. Hoseok also left while Taehyung and Jungkook left to go to their room. 

"What are we going to do if Jimin does have feelings for all of us?" Jin asked Namjoon. "Idk, maybe we can all be in a poly relationship." Namjoon replied. "But would he be able to handle 6 vampire boyfriends?" Jin asked. 

Namjoon forgot that. If a vampire falls in love with a human, they need to drink their blood once a week to survive. And if Jimin did accept all of their feelings. He would have to deal with that times 6 every week. 

"We will have to wait and see what he says. I asked Hoseok to stop by later and ask Jimin if he could hang out tonight." Namjoon said. He laid down on his bed after shutting the curtains. Jin was laying in his bed on the other side of the room. After a few minutes gentle snores filled the room. 


After Jimin returned to his room, he collapsed into bed and curled up into a ball. The tears were streaming down his face and they weren't stopping. Taemin sent a text saying he was out with friends and won't be back til late tonight, and Jimin didn't feel like bothering the vampires so he was alone. 

Jimin sat in his bed opening and closing the locket, his face was covered in tear stains and his eyes were red and puffy. His hair was a mess and his bottom lip was quivering. There was a knock at the door, sending Jimin back into reality. 

Jimin got up and headed towards the mirror, fixing himself up a bit before answering the door. It was Hoseok. He noticed the dried tears on Jimin's face and his slightly puffy eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked. 

Jimin shook his head, he didn't feel like lying to Hoseok and to himself. He is NOT fine. His parents died a year ago and his brother is missing.  Jimin's family is gone and he is in a unfamiliar environment surrounded by vampires. He doesn't know what happened a year ago and it's tearing himself apart. 

"Wanna talk about it?" Hoseok asked the younger. Jimin slightly nodded and allowed Hoseok inside. They sat on Jimin's bed criss cross. "Start when you feel comfortable." Hoseok told him. Jimin nodded and breathed in and out a couple times. 

A minute of silence passed by, both boys were silent. But Hoseok waited patiently for Jimin to feel comfortable enough to talk. He knew talking about something sensitive takes time and effort. Hoseok experienced that a few weeks after his parents died. He found it difficult to open up to Mr Kim and surprisingly Namjoon. He just kept quiet and tried to stay picture perfect with the vampire grown ups. 

"It's the anniversary of my parents deaths." Jimin finally spoke up. Hoseok's eyes softened and he slowly grabbed Jimin's hand, squeezing it gently. 

"It's also the day where my brother went missing, plus his birthday. Junsuina took him." Jimin continued. Hoseok nodded and allowed Jimin to continue. "I thought I would be able to handle this day, but I can't. It's so difficult." Jimin cried. 

"I'm sorry, is that your parent's wedding bands?" Hoseok asked, pointing to the rings on Jimin's necklace. Jimin slightly nodded and lifted his fingers to trace around the metal bands. "And my brother got me this locket for my birthday." He mumbled, tracing the chain with his thumb and index finger.

Hoseok wrapped his arms around Jimin and gave him a comforting hug. "I know what it feels like to lose the ones you love. I lost my parents 9000 years ago. They also were murdered." Hoseok told the younger. 

"Do you know who?" Jimin asked. "Yes, it was Junsuina." Hoseok said deeply. Jimin's eyes widened. "Do you know why?" He asked. "Sadly, yes I do." Hoseok said. "I call it destiny, Namjoon and his dad found me in the past, after Junsuina murdered my parents. We were like brothers, and I did whatever I could to help Namjoon with stuff. My family is highly respected cause we would help serve other vampire families, so I decided to help serve Namjoon, since he is next in line to rule vampire society. But there was something else, that not even he or his father knows." 

"What is that?" Jimin asked. "I didn't get it at first, why Junsuina killed my parents, til her words kept repeating in my head. She called my father a cheater. So I figured she must've had a kid with him. Then I did research and was able to find old vampire scrolls in a abandoned house far in the west. It was Junsuina's old home. It appears she and my father were married and had a kid, but after my father met my mother, he left Junsuina for her. So I looked over more scrolls and found out who their kid was." 

"And who was it?" Jimin asked. 


1106 words. Oooh, we are getting more on Junsuina and Chama. I promise it will all make sense later. Also I finally updated. I might get a chapter out tonight since I can't seem to write my OC book and I'll Protect You rewritten version is still being written. I hope to finish this book by the end of summer but I have no idea if I am going to make a sequel, it depends how the story ends.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading and please don't be a silent reader, vote and comment your opinions. I love you all and I hope you have an amazing day.


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