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Hoseok just stared and watched Kokan walk around the campus. "What's wrong?" Jin asked. Hoseok turned to him, eye's still wide. "You're gonna want to take a look at this." He mumbled. 

BTS walked over to the window and their jaw's nearly dropped to the floor. "How?" Was all Namjoon could say. "No idea, but he must have used some sort of spell to hide his energy. That's the only excuse." Taehyung said. 

"But I thought only witches could use spells." Jimin said. "Exactly, so he must've had help from a witch to gain these powers." Namjoon said. Just then, they felt another aura. Their eyes glowed red and their fangs slowly grew out. 

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked, clearly worried. "Werewolves." Yoongi hissed. A whole bunch of werewolves began walking out from the bushes. They were in their wolf forms and were sniffing the ground, looking for something. 

"Are they looking for something?" Jin asked. "Must be, but what are they looking for is my question." Namjoon said. 

One of the werewolves looked up at them, eye's glowing bright yellow. "Shoot." Yoongi mumbled and they backed away from the window. 


The werewolf looked up and saw BTS staring at them though the window on the top of the building. They backed away from the window and the werewolf pointed it to his friends. "Found him." He said. 

The other 6 wolves nodded and they transformed. 

"Let's go." JB said. 

They began running to the door and rammed into it. "Agh!" Mark hissed. "What the heck? Is this door made of ice?" Jackson said clearly annoyed. "It must've been Frosty." JB said. 

"Allow me." A voice spoke. They turned their heads to see Kokan walking over, a smirk on his face. "Help yourself." JB muttered and they backed away. Kokan walked over to the door and pressed his hand against the door. 

A neon purple acid began dripping from his fingertips and slowly burned the door down. "Geez, you really are a monster." Jinyoung mumbled before they all ran inside. "They were on the top floor." Yugeom said. 

They made it to the top floor and they immediately found their dorm. After all, a door covered in ice isn't exactly normal. 

Kokan walked over just held his hand out, just in the open. "What is he doing?" Jackson whispered. "Let's wait and see." JB whispered back. 

Purple acid began dripping from his fingers but Kokan lifted his hand up and swung his hand towards the door. Many droplets of acid flew towards the door, burning it down. 

BTS looked at them in shocked and kept Jimin behind them, protecting him. "So, you're revealing your true colors." Hoseok said deeply. "Yes, now unless you don't want to die a slow and most painful death, I'd advise handing the human to us." "Not gonna happen." Namjoon growled. 

"Welp, guess I have to do things the hard way." Kokan sighed. He lifted his shirt and a purple and green tattoo rests on his abdomen. It was the shape of a diamond. The outline of it was purple while the designs inside of it were green. 

BTS's eye's widened and their breathing hitched. "Scared huh? You should be. Now Jimin, unless you want your friends to become Ringu's next meal, I'd advise you come with me. Someone is dying to meet you." 

Jimin sighed in deeply and squeezed past BTS. They were about to stop him but they saw that he was lifting his shirt, exposing the tattoo. "No, I'm staying." He said. "You think you can protect them?  I mastered using Ringu and yet you never summoned Ketsuki." 

"I don't care. I will do what I can to protect my friends, and this school." Jimin said and pressed his fingers against the tattoo. A bright light emitted from Jimin and when the room cleared up, there stood Ketsuki. 

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