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Beads of sweat rolled down Jimin's head as he stared down at his paper. Today was the day of their final exams. 

It's been a couple days and everything is back to normal. With Namjoon and Hoseok's help, Chama returned to the vampire aristocrats. Mr Kim was a little angry that Chama hid away for so long, but he was more happy that he had his nephew back.

Julie has been doing much better with the jewel back in her possession. She is back on her feet and started training more with Otoko. 

Kokan is also doing good. The changelings back at JYP high were more than happy to have him back. He pop's by to visit Jimin and the others, and even brings a couple of the other changelings to visit the western territories. Let's just say that Kokan likes to tease the vampires by being really clingy with Jimin. 

Jimin and Lisa have also been talking more. She was shocked with Jimin holding Ketsuki, but she still loves and cares for him as a friend. 


"Alright, pencils down." Mrs Smith yelled. Jimin placed his pencil down, feeling good. "How did you do?" Hoseok whispered from beside him. 

"I think I did pretty good." Jimin whispered back. "How about you?" 

"I think I also did good." Hoseok replied. They got up, handing their tests to Mrs Smith. "School is finally over!" Taehyung screamed as they left the school building. 

"We should start packing if we want to make it to the airport at 9:00am." Namjoon said. 

"Okay." Everyone replied, heading to their dorm room. 


"Taehyung, stop!!" Jimin screamed as Taehyung kept tickling his exposed sides. "What's the magic word?" He asked with a cheeky grin. 

"Please!" Jimin laughed. "Fine, only cause you're cute." Taehyung replied. He stopped tickling Jimin but kept his arms wrapped around Jimin's waist, back hugging him. 

"Can you let me go?" Jimin asked. "I need to get my shirt on." 

Taehyung pouted, but removed his arms from Jimin's waist. He couldn't help it, he loved Jimin's exposed tummy and waist. The human boy is so beautiful in Taehyung's eyes, he wants to hold and shower the boy with love and affection. 

Jimin slipped on his red and white plaid button up, tucking it into his blue jeans. "What's taking you guys so long?" Namjoon asked entering the room. 

"Taehyung." Jimin answered, grabbing his bag. "Okay, well lets go. The limo is waiting for us." Namjoon said leaving through the door. 

Jimin and Taehyung left the room. Jimin noticed that Taehyung had a bit of a sour look on his face. He slipped his hand into Taehyung's, intertwining their fingers. 

Taehyung looked up at Jimin, smiling. Jimin returned the smile, resting his head on Taehyung's shoulder as they walked out to the limo. 

They got in and Jin hit the gas, driving to the airport. "I can't wait til we get there." Namjoon sighed. "Yeah, we needed this." Hoseok added. 

Chama was in the front with Jin. He wanted to accompany them on this vacation. The vampires allowed him since Chama would be bored at the Kim's castle. Yes, Chama moved into Namjoon and Hoseok's estate. 

"What are we going to do when we all graduate?" Jungkook asked. "I don't know." Taehyung replied. 

"What do you think Jimin?" Jin asked from the front, but he got no response. He looked into the rearview mirror to see his baby sleeping, head resting on Taehyung's shoulder. 

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