Chapter 47

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Everyone was shocked to see Ketsuki's appearance. 

It was a she. 

And to make things more shocking. 


She had long white hair that went to her elbows with light blue streaks. She was quite pale and had ruby colored eyes. She was wearing a baby blue mini skirt with white knee high socks and tennis shoes. Her top was a white long sleeve shirt that had flowy sleeves. 

"Ketsuki.. is a child?" Jimin questioned. "It makes sense, since I made a new one using the jewel, she is younger then the other 3 beasts." Chama explained. 

She looked up at them. "H-hey." She stuttered. "She really can talk." Namjoon gasped. "Y-yeah.. I c-can." She stuttered again. She appeared to be having trouble with speaking. 

"I guess since she has never been in human form, she doesn't quite know how to talk." Taehyung said. She nodded. "I-I w-want to m-meet h-headmaster." She stuttered. "Okay." Jimin said, getting up. Everyone else got up and Jimin held his hand out for Ketsuki, which she took. 

At first, she was having troubles with walking. But as they were leaving the dorm, she got used to it. "H-how can you guys b-balance on these?" Ketsuki questioned. "You'll get used to it." Chama chuckled, patting Ketsuki's head. "I will be here." He said to everyone leaving the room. 

"How does it feel being human?" Hoseok asked. "It feels weird, b-but good. I've always w-wondered what it was l-like being human." Ketsuki replied. 

"It's crazy to think someone as small and innocent as her killed so many others in the past." Jungkook chuckled. She turned to him and slapped him across the face, sending him flying.

Everyone was shocked to see that, even a few vampires came out of their dorm to the commotion. "Never underestimate me." She warned. "I can kill you in seconds." Her face was serious, showing that she wasn't joking.

"Got it." Jungkook replied, getting up. They continued their walk to the headmaster's office, some of the other students asked who she is, but Jimin and the other's made up excuses. 

They finally reached the headmaster's office. They entered to see him reading a book at his desk. He looked up, readjusting his glasses. "Hey guys, who is this kid?" He asked. 

"Ketsuki." Jimin responded casually.

Ketsuki waved, smiling a little. 

Headmaster sat there, dumbfounded, til it all hit him. 



"So, you unlocked Ketsuki's human form?" Headmaster asked. "Yeah, I was able to find out with a book in the library." Jimin replied. 

"That must've been where I put it." Headmaster muttered. "Anyways, this is amazing. Are you going to tell the aristocrat's?" He asked. 

"We should." Namjoon said. "I think it might be best if they knew." 

"Also, do they know about your guys relationship with Jimin?" Headmaster asked. "Yes." Hosoek responded. "Me and Namjoon told him everything." 

"Okay, well how about you kids head out tomorrow morning? I can lend you the limo." 

"Sure." Everyone replied. 

They left and headed back to the dorm, but Ketsuki was quiet, fiddling with her fingers. "Are you alright?" Jimin whispered. "I'm fine." Ketsuki replied. "I just have a feeling someone is watching us." 

"It's probably nothing." Jimin reassured. Ketsuki nodded, but the feeling never left. 


They are back at the dorm, Ketsuki wanted to stay out so she is currently resting on the couch, still in human form. Jimin and the vampire's are in bed. "We should go on vacation after the school year ends." Yoongi mumbled.

"That would be amazing." Jimin replied. "But where would we go?" 

"Our family owns a private island." Namjoon replied. "It's not that far and it's always stocked with food and supplies." 

"Can we spend summer vacation there?" Taehyung asked. "Of course." Hoseok replied. 

Everyone fell asleep quite easily, but Ketsuki remained awake. She wasn't used to sleeping in the human world all that much. Sure, she enjoyed resting in the real world, but sleeping is a different story. 

Not knowing what to do, she got up and walked over to the window. Ketsuki enjoyed looking at nature, even though she never got the chance that much. Her previous owners weren't as bad as the guy who held the previous Ketsuki, but they surely weren't kind to her. 

Jimin was different, he treated her like a living being. Sure, it will take some time for her to get used to the vampires, but she was positive that everything will work out.

As Ketsuki scanned over the yard, she noticed something in the bushes. 

It was Asashin. 

She watched him as he snuck around the courtyard, as if he was spying. "What is he doing?" She mumbled. Ketsuki decided to hop out of the window and confront him. 

She landed on the ground safely, brushing the dirt off her skirt, she walked up to him. "Hey." She called out. Asashin looked to her, surprised. "Oh hello little girl, are you lost-" He stopped, looking at her appearance. 

The way she looked.. she looked just like Ketsuki. Asashin heard many stories on the beasts appearance, it's white and blue mane with red eyes. 

"Ketsuki?" He mumbled. Her expression showed that he was correct. His lips twisted into a smirk. "To think he was able to unlock the human form." He chuckled. "Park Jimin really is incredible." 

"What's your business?" Ketsuki asked. "I highly doubt you are just a high school student." 

Asashin walked closer to her, making Ketsuki back up. She was honestly a little scared, his aura felt...  insane. 

"There's no need lying to you now." He said darkly. 

"Since you are not escaping here alive." 

938 words. I am so sorry for another short chapter! >.<

I wanted to end it there since it was a cliffhanger. What are you guys thinking so far? I gotta admit, this book is turning out different out then I imagined. When I first started writing this, I was not expecting it to be this big. I am a person who loves adding cliffhangers and I can tell it made some things confusing, and I apologize.

I don't know how to end this book, and if Junsuina should die in this book, or continue on in the sequel. I wanted the sequel to be their life on summer vacation and maybe introducing new characters, but I want this decision to up to you guys.

Also I am sorry for Asashin not being as cool as a character as I made him out to be at first. I want to write him out to be a creepy and obsessive character, but I am not doing all that good.

School for me is coming up soon, in about 4 days. So I won't be updating all that much. But hopefully, with enough time, I can have this book finished by then. I might make the big fight next chapter since it can easily flow into that. 

Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading and please don't be a silent reader, vote and comment your opinions. I love you all and I hope you have an amazing day. 


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