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Hey guys, quick announcement. I am so sorry for the lack in updates. I had a bit of writer's block and haven't had the will or energy to write this chapter. But I have some ideas for the next chapter in my mind. Again, I am so sorry but the next chapter will hopefully make up for it. 

Other then that, enjoy this chapter!!!

BTS just stood there wide eyed as the students stared at them with confusion and fear. The headmaster sighed and walked in front of the students, clearing his throat. 

"Students, I have somethings I need to discuss."


It's been a couple hours and the headmaster told the day class everything. From the peace treaty to Ketsuki. The government arrived and had to inspect the whole school, questioning  the vampires and speaking to Jimin. 

Once that was settled up, they arrested Kokan and sent him to their headquarters to be kept. Got7 got sent back to their school and was charged a fine. They didn't engage in the battle with Jimin and Kokan so they are not in as much trouble. 

The government finally left and the students were able to talk to the night class to ask questions or concerns. A surprisingly amount of students went to go talk to the vampires. They asked many questions about their lifestyles and food sources. 

Jimin however had to go with the government for a bit so they can do a proper examination and some more questioning. 


The nurse carefully patched the wounds on Jimin's chest as Ketsuki  laid on the floor, playing with the little balls of dust. Jimin hissed in pain as the nurse dabbed some rubbing alcohol on a scar on his abdomen. 

"Sorry." The nurse apologized and backed away. "It's fine, so how am I?" Jimin asked, kicking his legs a little.

"Well, other then some bruised ribs and some cuts, you should be fine. Just rest for a day. And take it easy with Ketsuki, you just released him and using that much power could be very hazardous to your health." She lectured, pointing her index finger at him.

"Alright, thank you." Jimin smiled. 

"No problem." She said cheerfully before walking out. Jimin sighed and looked down Ketsuki who was trying to catch a fly. Jimin smiled but was interrupted by a knock at the door. 

Jimin looked up to see an elder man standing there. "Hello. You must be Park Jimin." He said. His black hair was combed back. His ears were a dark green eyes. A navy blue button up was tucked in neatly with his black slacks and dark grey shoes. 

"Yes I am, who are you?" Jimin asked as he stared at the man. "My name is Lee Chan, I work in the HSPD."  "The what?" Jimin tilted his head in confusion. "The Human Supernatural Peace Department." Chan explained.

"Ah, okay." Jimin said. Chan walked in and pulled up one of the black leather chairs, sitting a couple feet in front of Jimin who was sitting on the counter. "How are you feeling?" He asked and lifted his left leg over his right one. 

"I'm feeling fine I guess, just some minor injuries." Jimin replied.  "That's good, is Ketsuki doing all right?" Chan asked. "I guess, it seems happy just playing with anything it can find on the floor." Jimin said and pointed to Ketsuki on the ground, still playing with the fly. 

"Now, how are you gonna be treating Ketsuki?" He asked seriously. "I don't fully know yet, but all I know is that I will not abuse it of any kind." Jimin said seriously, taking this very professionally.  "That's good, will it spend a majority of it's time in the tattoo?" Chan asked.

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