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That's all Jimin can see. He looked around him, trying to find someone, but to no avail. "Hello?" He shouted, but no one replied. Jimin sighed and began walking around. 

What is this place, and why is it familiar? Jimin thought. He continued walking til everything faded to black. 

"Kare o wasure sase nasai, kare no kioku o watashi ga nozomu mono to kōkan shi nasai." A voice spoke. Jimin recognized that voice.

It was Chanma. 

The male vampire he saw the night of his parent's death. 

Those words kept repeating and Jimin can feel his memories and thoughts vanishing. "Who am I?" "What's my purpose?" Jimin asked. He cupped his hands over his ears and crouched down, whimpering for the voice to stop. 

Jimin woke up sweating and shaking. Another vision? But what could it mean? Jimin thought. He looked over to his phone sitting on the nightstand and clicked the home screen button. The bright screen lightning up the room, Taemin was sleeping soundly in his bed. Jimin dimmed the brightness and looked at the time.


Welp, I ain't going back to sleep. Jimin thought as he got up out of bed and tip toed to the bathroom. Once he closed the door, he turned on the light and looked at himself in the mirror. 

The hickey that Taehyung made was nearly gone, it was very faint. Just the thought of what happened with Taehyung yesterday then Yoongi last night made his face turn bright red. Jimin shook his head and slapped his cheeks. 

"Don't focus on that." Jimin mumbled. Jimin looked back into the mirror and noticed something. The huge bags under his eyes. "Am I not sleeping enough?" Jimin questioned as he looked closer at the mirror. 

Just then, his reflection started changing. Instead of Jimin's regular reflection, it showed him with full black eyes and tears of blood running down his face. He was smiling like a madmen and in the background was all his friends and family DEAD! Mom, dad, Taemin, Dan, BTS, they were all laying on the ground lifeless. 

Jimin screamed and fell on the floor. He buried his face in his knees and just sat there, praying for that reflection to go away. 

"Jimin! Are you alright?" Taemin asked concerned. When Jimin failed to answer, Taemin did the only logical thing to do. 

Kick the door down. 

Taemin kicked the door with enough force to send it flying off the wall. It landed next to Jimin but didn't land on him. "Jimin,are you alright?! I'm here." Taemin said as he wrapped his arms around Jimin. 

"Deep breathes, in and out." Taemin repeated. Jimin's frantic breathing and crying died down and now he is only sniffling. He looked up at Taemin, tear filled eyes. "What happened?" Taemin asked. 

Jimin told him about the dream and the reflection he saw in the mirror. They were now sitting on Taemin's bed, Taemin had his arms around Jimin as he cuddled up in Taemin's chest. 

"These visions seem to be happening more and more. What do you think is causing it?" Taemin asked. "I have no idea." Jimin mumbled against Taemin's chest. "Well, it is only 6am. How about you try to get a little more sleep?" 

"What are you gonna do?" Jimin asked. "I will go ask the Headmaster if he has any sleeping pills. He always has them around just in case." Jimin nodded and Taemin helped him to his bed. Taemin tucked Jimin in and waited til he fell asleep before leaving. 

Only, he is not going to the Headmaster. 

He's going to pay the night class a little visit. 

He snuck out of the dorm quietly and made his way to the school building. "According to the vampire's schedule, their classes are over  and they have a bit of free time." Taemin mumbled. He reached the entrance of the school building and saw someone standing in front of the door. 


I forgot he also has to guard the doors through out the night, after a few day class students tried to sneak in. Taemin walked over and Donald got the message, moving out of the way. Taemin thanked him and walked in, heading to the main classroom. 

He opened the door and was met with all the vampire's turning their heads and glared at him. "Calm down your vampire hormones." Taemin grumbled and walked over to Namjoon's group. 

"What brings you here?" Hoseok demanded. "We need to have a little chat outside." Taemin said deeply. "And what if we don't want to go outside?" Taehyung teased, raising his eyebrows. Taemin clenched his teeth and pulled his gun out of his coat and pointed it at them.

"I'm in no mood for playing with you beasts so unless you want your brain's splattered all over this desk then I advise for you to come. And don't even try me blondie, I'm aware of your power and you will be the first one dead on the spot before you can use it on me." Taemin hissed at Jin. 

"Fine, let's go." Namjoon said and got up. Taemin returned his gun to his pocket and walked out of the classroom with BTS following behind him. Once they were out of the classroom, Taemin turned to face them. 

"It's about Jimin." He spoke. 

He noticed how all of their expressions were worried for a second before going back to their regular poker faces. "Is he alright?" Taehyung asked. "Not exactly." "What's wrong with him?" Jungkook asked concerned. 

"He's got another vision and he saw something in the bathroom mirror for a second, it was like a more bloody and creepy version of him." BTS stayed quiet for a minute before Namjoon decided to speak up. "With Ketsuki's power's almost completely regenerated, it might be speeding up his past memories." 

"But that thing he saw in the bathroom mirror in no way can be a past memory. It should him with tears of blood and his family dead in the background." Taemin said, clearly annoyed. 

Jimin didn't tell him that he also saw him, Dan or BTS in the vision cause he didn't want to worry or scare him, but Taemin didn't knew that. 

"Maybe with the memories coming back, it's affecting his mind. Also I heard that when Ketsuki is close to gaining it's full power, it can really affect the physical and mental strength of the person." Jin said. 

"That seems to be the best explanation for now. We will talk to Jimin about it tonight, don't worry." Namjoon said calmly. Taemin scoffed and turned around walking to the front door. But before he put his hand on the door handle, he stopped and turned to look at them. 

"I don't why Jimin trusts you guys, but let me tell you one thing. If you shatter that trust, I will personally make you beasts suffer. Don't forget that." And with that, he opened the door and walked out, slamming it behind him. 

M E A N W H I L E  W I T H  J I M I N  (A flashback) 

"Kare o wasure sase nasai, kare no kioku o watashi ga nozomu mono to kōkan shi nasai." Chanma chanted, his hands rested on either side of Jimin's head who is passed out on the white feathered bed. 

Once he finished chanting the spell, his eye's turned back to their normal color and he looked down at the sleeping boy. 

"Don't worry my love, soon, you won't remember anything and we can be together, forever." 

1252 words. Ooh some Chanma drama! I might not be able to update tomorrow cause I have my LA exam tomorrow and my math on Tuesday, but yet again, I have my exams in the morning and then I have the afternoon off. We will see what happens tomorrow. 

Also I might publish the answers for the Q&A tomorrow around 8 or 9. Like I said, we will have to wait and see. 

Anyways, thank you guys so much and please don't be a silent reader, vote and comment your opinions. I love you all and I hope you have an amazing day. 


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