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There laid Hoseok's parents, dead. Their bodies were laying lifeless on the ground and bite marks can be seen on his mother's neck. His father had multiple weapons punctured through his body. 

"MOM, DAD!" He screamed, tears in his eyes. He ran over to his parents, the white rose still in his hand. He fell to his knees and stared at his parent's lifeless corpses. 

He looked up and saw a woman standing there. Her long white hair blowing softly in the wind. "W-Who are you?" Hoseok screamed, trying to sound confident. 

"To think that cheater had a child." She said softly. Hoseok was about to repeat his question but the lady lifted her hand up and swung it down. A huge gust of wind came crashing into the house. Some of the rubble fell onto Hoseok, knocking him down to the ground. 

The lady turned around and began walking away. "Stop... please.." Hoseok whispered before darkness clouded his vision and his head fell onto the ground. 


"Looks like she destroyed another house." A man sighed as he walked into the destroyed house. The structure was barely standing and everything was in shambles. 

"Father! A survivor!" A young boy yelled, pointing towards the unconscious boy underneath the pile of rubble. "Quick, lets get him out." The man said as he and his son ran over, pushing the junk off of Hoseok's back. 

Hoseok's eyes fluttered open and he groaned, looking up and the two unfimilar figures. "W-Who are you?!" He screamed, backing away from the two.

"Calm down, we are not your enemy." The boy said, holding his hands up a little. "What happened?" The man asked. "I-I was o-outside picking f-flowers for dinner, w-when I heard a bunch of commotion in h-here. I ran in and saw my mom and dad d-d-dead." Hoseok hiccuped, tears streaming down his face. 

"Okay, continue." "When I l-looked up, I s-saw a lady s-standing there. She h-had long white hair and was wearing some type of kimono. She mentioned something about my father and before I c-could respond, she sent a g-gust of wind, destroying the house. Then I woke up here." 

"Hm, sounds like her." The man mumbled. "Father, can he live with us? He has no family." The boy asked, turning around to face his father. 

"I don't know son, it's up to him." "Wanna live with us, father is really high with the vampire society and we can be like brothers." The boy eagerly asked. 

Hoseok was shocked. These people are so kind, should I trust them? "Sure." He smiled. "Yay! My name is Kim Namjoon, what's yours?" "My name is Hoseok." 

"Welcome to the family Hoseok." The man smiled. Hoseok smiled but it quickly vanished and he turned around, seeing his parents lying there. 

He walked over and looked down at the puddle of blood. The white rose was now stained in red, the blood soaking through the petals. Hoseok picked it up and closed his eyes. 

"I promise I will avenge you mom and dad. Even if it costs me my life." 

E N D   O F   F L A S H B A C K 

Hoseok walked into the night dorm and walked into his room. The rose was now sitting in the middle of a crystal, still bright red. Hoseok keeps it as a reminder about the promise he made that day. 

He slipped out of his normal clothes and put of black dress pants with a gray long sleeve shirt and a white vest. He combed his black hair neatly and slipped on a red tie. He placed a rose in the pocket of his vest and walked out of the room to the lounge. 

BTS were already there and Namjoon was pacing up and down. "Calm down." Hoseok chuckled as he walked over. "Sorry, just nervous." Namjoon sighed, running his fingers through his purple hair. 

Namjoon was wearing white dress pants with a purple button up tucked in neatly. A couple buttons were undone showing his lower neck and collarbone. 

Jin was wearing black dress pants with a light grey turtleneck and a pink dress jacket over top. In one of the pockets sat a red rose and his blonde hair was parted sideways, exposing his forehead. 

Yoongi was wearing black dress pants with a dark blue shirt and a black tail coat. A white tie was pinned neatly on the shirt and his mint hair was pushed back. 

Taehyung was wearing gray dress pants with a navy green blazer and a white shirt. A Gucci belt was sitting neatly on his waist. His hair was slightly curled, his blue locks flowing in the air. 

Jungkook wasn't wearing anything special. Just black dress pants with a white button up and a long light brown coat. He had his brown hair parted in the middle. 

All of the other vampires stood in the lounge, talking with one another. Just then, the doors opened to reveal Mr Kim with two bodyguards. All of the vampire's turned towards him and bowed. "Father, welcome to BigHit high school." Namjoon spoke, walking over to his dad. 

"Greetings son. I see that you are doing well." "Yes." Namjoon replied. "Welcome Mr Kim, would you like me to take you on a tour of the school?" Hoseok asked, walking over. "Thank you Hoseok, and no need to be so formal." Mr Kim chuckled. 

"Of course." Hoseok said. "Anyways, Namjoon and Hoseok. I need to talk to you and your group in private." Mr Kim said, getting serious. 

"Of course, follow us into the back room." Namjoon said and began leading Mr Kim to the back room, everyone else following behind. 

Even though Hoseok was adopted by Mr Kim and Namjoon, he always did what he could to assist them. It was a tradition in his family. The Jung family were groomed to be assistants for higher up vampires, so this is Hoseok's way of paying them back. 

Once they entered the room. Mr Kim's face turned seriousness and he stared at the younger vampires. "Now." He spoke. 

"Where is the kid that holds the Ketsuki beast?" 

1025 words. 

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