Chapter 48

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Before Ketsuki could react, she was kicked in the ribs, causing her to kneel down. She was clenching her stomach, wheezing in pain.

"To think the almighty beast that was said to murder many in the past, is a weak child!" Asashin chuckled madly. Ketsuki got up and summoned spears, throwing them towards him, but Asashin dodged easily. 

He punched her face, making her collide into the ground. Asashin lifted his foot and stomped down on her right hand, enough pressure to shatter it. 

She screamed in pain, her cry echoing all throughout the campus. 


Jimin and the other's were waken up to Ketsuki's screams. At first they were confused, but once they saw her missing from the couch, they ran out to the yard. 

"She's in pain." Jimin said. "I can feel it." 

They ran out to see her on the ground, crying. Beside her was Asashin with a knife in his hand. He lifted his arm up, ready to swing the knife down, but Jin stopped him. He lifted his arm up, freezing Asashin's body. 

He looked to the group, still keeping that sick grin on his face. "Looks like you guys caught me." He chuckled. He dropped the knife, confusing the vampire's. "Back him up." Namjoon commanded. 

Jin nodded, moving his arm to make Asashin back away from Ketsuki. Jimin and Hoseok ran up to her. She looked up at them, tears streaming down her cheeks. "It's alright." Jimin said calmly. "You're safe now." 

Hoseok picked up Ketsuki and they ran back to the others. Asashin looked towards them, still smiling. Then he started laughing. At first, it was quiet, but it began getting louder before he broke out laughing, sounding insane. 

"What's so funny?" Namjoon asked in a serious tone. Asashin tilted his head back, slowly transforming. His brown locks turning black with red streaks. His eyes now gray with red pupils. His black jeans and white T shirt transformed into a black cloak. In his hand was a staff with a blade on the end of it. A scythe.

He looked back at them, grinning before snapping his fingers. Jin's arm slowly twisted around, making him scream in pain. A crack was heard and Asashin was free. Jin crouched down, holding his now broken arm. 

"W-what is he?" Hoseok stuttered. 

"A Grim reaper." Taehyung answered. "They were executed 90 centuries ago due to their thirst for death. They interrupted the cycle of life so the angel's had to kill them, but that ended with their extinction as well." 

"But if they were killed 90,000 years ago, how is he alive?" Jimin asked. "That's cause he is not fully alive." An all too familiar voice spoke. Everyone froze hearing that. 

Junsuina, was all they thought. 

She walked out of the bushes with GOT7 behind her, their purple eyes reflecting in the sunlight. "He is basically a living corpse. The only way for him to be fully revived in for him to take a human's body." She said. "But it can't be any normal human body. It can only be one with a lot of power stored in it." She said, looking over to Jimin. "Such as the holder of a beast." 

The vampire's hissed, covering Jimin with their bodies. "He's not taking Jimin." Namjoon spoke darkly.

"Oh I will." Asashin chuckled. He lounged towards the group, his scythe ready to rip them to shreds. 

The vampire's dodged, Namjoon holding Jimin, Hoseok holding the still injured Ketsuki. 

Jimin placed a shield up, creating a bubble around them. Asashin attacked it a few times, but it seemed like he wasn't doing any damage. 

"Jin, how's your arm?" Jimin asked concerned. "Well, I can't feel it." Jin replied. 

Ketsuki's eyes open. She held her head in her hand, slightly whimpering. "Are you alright?" Hoseok asked. "Yeah." She replied. "You can put me down." 

Hoseok placed her down back on the ground. Wobbling, she made her way to Jin. "Let me see." She said. Jin showed his injured arm to her, his other arm supporting the broken one. 

She examined the arm, biting her bottom lip. She placed both of her small hands on top of his arm, a glow can be seen. "I can temporary heal it, but you need to have it properly examined soon." She said, looking up at him. 

She released her hands off Jin's arm. He bawled his hand into a fist. "I can move it." He whispered. 

"Guys, I think he is about to break the barrier." Hoseok screamed, seeing cracks start to form on the light blue barrier. "Jimin, we have to unlock the weapon form." Ketsuki said. "But what if we fail?" Jimin asked worried. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't. I trust you." She said. Jimin sighed, summoning out a spear. His hair and eyes transformed. 

Seeing Jimin and Ketsuki next to each other, they look like twins rather than beast and master. "You got this." She whispered. Jimin nodded, slashing the weapon across her abdomen. Ketsuki hissed in pain as the wound glowed. 

She titled her head back as her body transformed into a spear, it almost the size of Jimin. The blade was a light blue while the main part was a silver color. A red jewel placed in the center of the blade, shining with the light of the sun. 

"You guys try to take care of the werewolves along with Junsuina." Jimin commanded. The vampires nodded. 

"Let's do this." Jimin said, snapping his fingers. The barrier disappeared and the vampires ran up to the werewolves while Jimin fend off Asashin. "Aw, does the human think he can manage a god of death." Asashin cooed maniacally. 

Jimin swung the spear towards Asashin, making him jump back. 

"Jimin." Ketsuki said through weapon form. "Since he is a living corpse, all it takes for us to slice through his heart to kill him." 

"Problem is you aren't going to be landing a hit on me." Asashin replied. "I am a grim reaper, the god of death. You won't be fast enough to even graze me." 

"We'll see about that." Jimin said, a sly smile appearing on his face. Asashin snarled, dashing towards the human boy. Jimin lifted his arm, throwing Ketsuki passed Asashin. "Are you stupid?" Asashin asked hysterically. "Now you're fighting me without a blade!"

Jimin stood there, not doing anything. Asashin appeared right in front of the human boy, ready to slash him. But he stopped, blood dripping out of his mouth and down his chin. 

He looked behind him, seeing Ketsuki there in human form, her arm through his body.  His heart in her hand. "Die." She said, ripping her arm out of his body. 

Asashin fell to the ground, his body slowly decaying. Junsuina clicked her tongue, shaking her head. "And I thought he was strong enough." She sighed. 

"Face it, you lose Junsuina." Chama said, jumping down off the dorm building. "Where did you come from?" Ketsuki asked. "I felt my mother's presence." He replied. "Thankfully I never left yet." 

"Oh honey." Junsuina chuckled. 

"Mommy never loses." 

Whew, only two more chapters. I was gonna make the fight all in one chapter, but I decided 'nah'. Next chapter is the last one, then the epilogue. But there will be a sequel, it just might take a while. School is coming back on Tuesday so I have two more days. I also want to work on other books. 

I also want to say THANK YOU guys so much for your support. This book is obviously not the best as I made a few mistakes in the past and a bunch of the writing has changed. But this book has over 20k reads and over 1k votes. I am so grateful that you guys are reading and liking this book. 

Thank you guys so much for reading and please don't be a silent reader, vote and comment your opinions. I love you all and I hope you have a great day.


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