Twenty One

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???'s PoV 



This isolation is driving me insane. She threw me in here I think 5 hours ago but I lost count after 3 hours. 

My body aches, today's punishments were more severe. But I don't care what she says or does to me, I refuse to work with her. 

I bury my head in my knees and just sit there, sniffling. I miss home, I miss my parents, I miss my brother. I just want everything to go back to normal. 

Just then, the door opened and she walked in. "Have you made up your mind?" She asked coldly. "No, I refuse to work with you. Your a monster." I spat out. She chuckled deeply, her eye's glowing a deep red. 

"That was not a question. You will join me whether you like it or not." She giggled. Two guards came in and grabbed my arms, hoisting me up. "Let's go." She said. 

We began walking down the hallway in silence. I can hear them, all of the other prisoners, begging for freedom. This is why I hate vampires, they are awful selfish beasts. They only care about satisfying their own needs. They never hesitate to drink the life out of any humans they encounter. 

We entered a room that had a table with a chair on both sides. She sat down in one chair and the guards sat me down in the chair across from her. "Now, if you were to work with me, I will grant you any wish you desire." She said, resting her elbows on the table. 

"Eh?" I squeaked. She sighed and pressed her forehead against her palm. "Do I have to spell it out?" She asked annoyed. "No, but why?" I asked. She looked up and just stared at me. "I need you, your the strongest human I know that can defeat him." 

"Who?" I asked impatient. 

"Chama." She spoke deeply. 

I furrowed my eyebrows. Who is Chama? Wait, he is the vampire who put the spell on the Ketsuki beast all those years ago. Mom and dad talked about him a lot. "Why do you want someone to defeat him? Nevertheless a human?" 

"He betrayed the vampires so many years ago, normally we wouldn't care but the problem is we don't know who is holding Ketsuki. So the Aristocrats want him dead once and for all. If he dies, the spell is broken and we can kill Ketsuki." 

"But why a human? What was that phrase you constantly say? Oh right 'You humans are nothing more than slimy bugs. Worthless and pathetic. Your weakness is gonna be the death of your kind.' Did I get that right?" I asked snarky. 

She groaned in frustration, burying her face in her hands. "Cause vampires can't touch him." She mumbled. "But why? Is he cursed?" "No, but his power doesn't allow people who desire to hurt him touch him." 

"Whoa, cool." I commented. She looked up and just glared at me. "The point is, that power doesn't work with humans. So humans can touch him, whatever their intentions are." She said. "But then why me? I'm sure there are lots more stronger humans who can take him down. Heck, I am a 15 year old kid. What do you expect me to do?" I asked.

"There's something about yourself that you don't know about." She said, looking me dead in the eye. "Care to elaborate?" 

"Mam, this brat is useless, why don't we just kill him?" The guard asked. He moved closer to me and placed his head in the crook of my neck. "After all, why waste good food?" He asked, licking the side of my neck. 

I squeezed my eye's shut and froze, feeling his hot breath against my skin. Disgusting. "Calm down Jerry, you will get your fill soon, just not with this one." She said. Jerry moved away from my neck, clearly disappointed. 

"Why?" He whined. How old is this guy? He looks 30 but acts like a 5 year old brat. "He isn't a normal human." The other guard commented. "Wait, what?" I asked dumbfound. What do they mean? 

The guard chuckled and lifted me by my neck, slamming me against the wall. "Tell me Junsuina, why do you want help from this hybrid?" He spat out. My eye's widened along Jerry. But Junsuina still had her poker face on.

"W-what?" I stuttered. "Oh, so you don't know your a hybrid? Or could you have lost your memories." The guard chuckled darkly. "Well, I guess it's time for his true senses to be awoken." Junsuina said calmly, getting up from her seat. 

The guard placed me down but kept his grip on my neck. Junsuina walked over and took out a crystal from the sleeve on her kimono. It was in the shape of a diamond and was the size baseball. It was a light blue color with smaller purple gems inside of it. In the center was a yellow gem in the shape of a oval. 

"Time to wake up Jihyun." Junsuina said with a sly smile. 

848 words. I am so sorry for the short chapter. I felt like this was a good way to end it since I like to end chapters on cliffhangers. But dang, Jihyun is not who we think he is. I wanted to write a chapter on him since it was obvious he's not dead. Also don't worry, this story will make sense, soon.

Also I will be soon going back and editing previous chapters so if you get notifications saying previous chapters have been published, i'm just editing. I won't make any changes to the plotline but I might re write it a little since the previous chapters are different to the newer ones. Idk, should I re write them or should I leave it as it is? 

Anyways, thank you so much for reading and please don't be a silent reader, vote and comment your opinions. I love you all and I hope you have a great day.


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