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It's been a couple of hours and Taemin is about to explode. Where is Jimin? Are those beasts keeping him locked up in their sick home? But why Jimin is my question. Taemin thought as he walked over to the vampire's dorm. 

It was a little past noon and since it was a Saturday, kids were either in their dorms, or up town. No kids come to see the night class cause they don't want to disturb them. Taemin walked up to the gates but was stopped. 

By Jin? 

"Where's Jimin?" Taemin demanded. "He is discussing some stuff with Namjoon about his nightmares." "How do you know about them?" Taemin demanded, reaching his hand into his pocket, grabbing a knife. 

Jin hissed and backed away a little. "I would keep that away, all ready so many vampire's hate you." "I think I will be fine. Now, where is Jimin? Tell me and I won't slice your heart out and feed it to the hounds in the forest." 

"Okay okay, follow me but do not attack. Drop the knife." "Like I will listen to-" Jin's eyes glowed red and Taemin's body froze, his arm slowly lifting up against his will. "I said. Drop. The. Knife." "Okay okay, jeez." Taemin muttered. 

Jin's eyes went back to normal and Taemin's body relaxed, his arm stopped rising. He dropped the knife and Jin motioned for him to follow inside. Taemin nodded and began to follow Jin into the darkened dormitory. 

"Now, where is he, is he safe?" "Yes, he is safe. We just got to keep him here for a bit." "Why?" "JIN HYUNG!' A voice yelled. They both turned their heads to see Jungkook running towards them, a little bit of dried blood around his lips. 

Taemin's eyes widened and he pulled out that SAME knife and pointed it towards Jungkook. "Didn't you drop that outside?" Jin asked. "Yeah, but see here?" Taemin moved his arm a little and a thin chain can be seen, it is transparent. "Made of really strong and flexible plastic. When I was walking in, I pulled it and returned it to my pocket." 

"Cool." Jungkook smiled. "Why is there blood around your mouth?" Taemin demanded, lifting the knife closer to Jungkook's neck. "I-I u-uh." "Calm down Taemin, we don't want things to get ugly." Jin said. 

Taemin sighed and returned the knife into his jacket pocket. He wants to find Jimin and threatening these monsters won't help him. "Anyways, we have a bit of a problem, follow me." Jungkook motioned Jin to follow him and they began walking down the hall with Taemin trailing behind.

They entered the library to see the rest of BTS standing around one of the tables, discussing. "Yo, found Jin Hyung, and a pest." "Pest?" Taemin asked. "Why is he here?" Yoongi said upset, crossing his arms and the atmosphere around him began to cool down drastically. 

"Calm down Yoongi, he is wondering where Jimin is." Jin said calmly. "Right, now where is he? If you monster's hurt him I won't hesitate to go to the headmaster and break this stupid peace rule." 

"Wow, relying on the headmaster much? He is fine." Namjoon said "Then where is he?" "Sleeping." Taehyung said. "Why is he sleeping?" "Well..." Jungkook trailed off, scratching the back of his neck. 

"Jungkook went through a phase." Hoseok said calmly. "A phase?" Taemin yelled, reaching into his coat pocket. "Relax, he gave consent!!" Jungkook pleaded, backing away. "Where. Is. He?" 

"Follow me, come along Hoseok Hyung." Namjoon said as he and Hoseok began to walk out the room, Taemin followed behind them, keeping one hand close to his knife. They reached Taehyung and Jungkook's room and Hoseok rested his hand on the doorknob, slowly turning it. 

Once he opened it, they were met with an empty room and a open window.

And no sign of Jimin!!

"Where is he?" Namjoon asked as he looked around the room. "Namjoon, look." Hoseok pointed towards the bed. On the navy blue sheets sat a small piece of paper. Namjoon walked over and picked it up. 

If you want the boy, then come to the abandoned hospital tonight. Don't think this is funny. We will kill him if you don't cooperate. 

"What the?" Namjoon mumbled. "Where is Jimin?" Taemin asked.  "Not exactly sure, but whoever this person is, they took Jimin." "What? I thought you guys had super senses. And why didn't you leave someone with him. Jungkook, a PURE BLOOD bit him." 

"Relax. Yes, we have sharp senses but they aren't the best in daylight, especially afternoon. And we don't have to worry til tomorrow, it takes 24 hours for a human who got bit to turn into a vampire, and we have a theory he won't transform." "What do you mean?" "I will tell you later. Anyways, we didn't leave anyone with him cause when a vampire drinks someone's blood, we inject a type of venom that makes them sleepy. As a way for them to get their strength back." Namjoon said. 

"Namjoon, look." Hoseok pointed towards the window. Namjoon walked over and noticed something near the edge of the window. 

A piece of fur. 

"Looks like we found the culprit." Namjoon sighed as he picked up the fur. "What is that?" Taemin asked. "Fur." Hoseok said. "From what?" Taemin asked, getting impatient. 

"The werewolves from White Fang Academy." Hoseok hissed, his eyes flashing red. 

"Wait, werewolves?" "Ya, we are not the only school that has peace with supernatural creatures. There is a school to the north of the neighboring town that werewolves attend. The headmaster's younger sister runs it." Namjoon said. 

"Well, what are we gonna do?" "You are gonna back to your dorm. We will wait til midnight to see what they want." "Why do I have to go back to my dorm? Jimin is my roommate!" "YOU are a human. What can you do against werewolves?" Hoseok snapped. "I-I.." "Exactly. We will get Jimin back, don't worry." Namjoon said calmly. 

Taemin sighed and turned around, walking towards the front door. "Make sure you get him back." Taemin mumbled before leaving, leaving the building. 

"What do you think they want?" A voice asked. Namjoon and Hoseok lifted their heads up to see Taehyung just standing on the ceiling. "No idea, how long have you been up there?" Hoseok asked. 

"Eh, a while. Enough to hear that those mutts are the ones who took Jimin. So what are we gonna do?" Taehyung asked as he started walking to the wall and back to the floor. "We have no choice, we will have to go see them at midnight. Jimin's life is at stake." Hoseok said as they all walked out. 

They met up with the rest of the group and discussed the plan. They agreed to go to the building and see what the werewolves want. 

"Be prepared, werewolves are shifty creatures." Namjoon said as he slipped a small silver gun into his long brown coat. "We know." Everyone else replied as they packed their weapons. 

"Namjoon." Hoseok said as he walked over. "What is it Hoseok?" "I heard news that your father is coming to take a look at the academy." Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over to the two.

Namjoon's dad was one of the highest member's of the Aristocrats, he practically controls the vampire community. "*Sigh* Do you know when he is coming over?" "In two days." "Okay, when we get Jimin back, we will have to talk to the headmaster, and tell him about Jimin." "What if he doesn't hold the Ketsuki beast and he does turn into a vampire?" 

"I don't know, but lets just hope and pray that doesn't happen." 

1274 words

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