Jimin woke up again around 6:30am and got up to get ready for school. The dream and the thing he saw in the mirror never leaving his mind. But he tried his best to ignore it.
Taemin came back a few minutes later to see Jimin shirtless, the tattoo glowing a little more. "Did you get the sleeping pills?" Jimin asked. "Oh uh, the headmaster doesn't have any at the time but he is planning on getting some tonight." Taemin lied. "Okay." Jimin replied.
"I'd advise a dark colored shirt or everyone will be staring at your glowing stomach." Taemin chuckled.
"Oh, alright." Jimin said and pulled out a navy long sleeve shirt with white strips along with some black jeans and a belt. Jimin ran into the bathroom to comb his hair back and slipped on a pair of dangly earrings.
"There, done." Jimin sighed as he sat on his bed. "You do know you still have 25 minutes right?" Taemin asked. "Ya, but I need to finish the assignment from Mrs Kishi." Jimin mumbled as he slipped his binder out of his bag and opened it, taking out a couple sheets.
"What do you need to complete?" Taemin asked, looking down at the sheets. "I just have to finish these fill in the blanks then I am done. It's about the conflict with the USA and Korea."
"Okay, well I gotta take a quick shower." Taemin said then walked into the bathroom with some clothes in his hands.
Jimin started filling in the blanks, eyes scanning the resource page carefully. He finished and sighed in relief, putting the papers back in his binder before slipping that into his bag. Jimin looked over to the night stand to see his necklaces sitting there.
He reached over and grabbed the locket. He hates not wearing it, he always wears it ever since that day and feels uneasy without it, he only recently started taking if off when he goes to bed cause he often woke up to find it missing. Whenever he rolled around in his sleep, the locket manages to fall off his neck and either lost in his blanket or under his nightstand.
Taemin finished his shower and walked out drying his hair with a towel. He was wearing black ripped jeans along with a dark brown belt and a blue and white long sleeve shirt tucked in neatly. His black hair combed back and some rings on his right fingers.
"We should get going." He said and walked over to the door slipping on his shoes. Jimin nodded and got up also slipping on his shoes. They grabbed their backpacks and walked out of the dorm.
As they were walking to the school building, Jimin noticed how many girls were staring at him weirdly and even some guys. "Are they staring at me?" Jimin asked. "Ya, but ignore them. Bet they are just jealous cause the night class pays attention to you." Taemin replied.
They made it to the building which of course was crowded by the day class girls. "Won't they ever stop?" Taemin sighed. "Yo Taemin." One of the nearby guys called. "Yo Chanyeol." Taemin replied.
The guy walked over and the two started chatting. Jimin shrugged and walked away, not wanting to be a bother. Just as he walked away, the door's opened and girl's screams invaded his ears.
He looked over and saw the night class walking back to their dorm. Of course, BTS turned their heads and waved at Jimin who waved back. But something happened and all the vampire's stopped, they looked on edge.
The day class was concerned but before one of them could even think about saying something, sirens began wailing along with a voice on the intercom.
Students began panicking and running into their dorm buildings. Jimin was about to run back to the swarm of day class students but he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.
Ketsuki. Was all Jimin could think. He then felt someone grab his arm arm. It was Jungkook. "Come on!" He said checked behind him to make sure the coast was clear before teleporting into the building holding onto Jimin.
"Are you alright Jimin?" Taehyung asked as he ran over to Jimin, who was clenching his stomach. "Ketsuki." He breathed out. "Does it have to be released now?" Namjoon asked.
"No, but this is just it's way of telling me that it's fully recharged." "Okay, try and keep him in there for a bit." Hoseok said. Jimin nodded and Taehyung helped him up to Namjoon and Jin's shared room. It's the room BTS always go into if there were a lockdown. The other vampires are already safe in their dorm.
They walked in and Yoongi froze the lock shut along with the edges of the windows. "That should last a bit." He said and landed on the couch. "Do you guys know who broke in?" Jimin asked.
BTS looked at each other before Jin decided to speak. "Changelings." "Changelings?" Jimin squeaked. "But I thought they lived near the north." He added. "Which is why it's so confusing. Even though changelings are sick, they wouldn't go as far as randomly attacking a school. They normally stalk and find specific victims." Hoseok explained. He was looking out the window, examining the courtyard below.
That is, til he saw someone stalking around the garden. Hoseok's eyes widened as he recognized that person.
It was the vampire with long black hair from his class. Kokan
Only this time, he looked different. He wasn't wearing the normal turtlenecks he always wears. He was wearing a black tanktop along with ripped blue jeans. On his arms were tattoos, they were glowing a neon purple. His eyes were glowing the same color and small fins can be spotted on his back and forearms.
Once Hoseok put the pieces together, he felt like he was gonna vomit.
Kokan wasn't a vampire, he was a changeling!
1039 words. I will post the answers to the Q&A either tonight or tomorrow. And maybe I will post another Q&A for the side characters like Chanma and all those people.
Anyways, thank you guys so much and please don't be a silent reader, please vote and comment. I love you all and I hope you guys have a great day.

Vampires (JiminXBTS)
FanfictionWelcome to BigHit high school. Day classes for humans, and night classes for Vampires. But there's a little secret, no one knows that the night class is vampires. Meet Jimin, he is a regular human, at least that what he thinks. When he transfers to...