Twenty Eight

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Chama walked into the cell and sat down next to Junsuina. "What do you want mother?" He asked in a small tone. He looked upset. 

"How is he going to make me change my mind?" Hoseok asked. "Don't you know Chama's power?" Junsuina asked. Hoseok shook his head, making Junsuina's grin grow. "Tell him Chama." She said. 

He took a deep breathe, staring into Hoseok's eyes. "I have the power to resurrect the dead." He spoke, his voice void of any emotion. Hoseok's jaw dropped. "T-the dead?" He stuttered. "How?" 

"All I need is a memory from another, and I can resurrect them."  Chama explained. Hoseok's eyes were wide and he was speechless. "So, anyone you knew from the past can be resurrected. Friends, family.." Junsuina explained. "A lover." 

Hoseok looked down at his stomach. What do I do? I can bring back Hyuna, but its a grave price. What about Jimin and the others? Basically all of vampire kind is in my hands. Scratch that, the entire world is in my hands. 

"Hurry up." Junsuina snapped. "We are not very patient." 

Hoseok shook his head. "No, I am not resurrecting my love for you to destroy vampire kind, and in this case, the world. She wouldn't want that. Hyuna was kind to all classes and knowing that I gave that up for her, she wouldn't be very happy." Hoseok said. 

Junsuina sighed and got up. "Then we will keep you here til you change your mind." Chama got up and began following his mother out. "How dare you Chama. Betraying Namjoon, betraying Jimin. He holds Ketsuki, your creation." Hoseok said. 

Chama turned to him. "She is my mother. You don't understand Hoseok. Our dad left her after I was born and married your mom. The other man she married was a monster. He threatened to kill me, but she took care of me after he died. I owe her my life." Chama explained. 

"But she is not the only family you have." Hoseok protested. "I don't care. Have fun rotting in this cell." Chama said and shut the door. Hoseok sighed and looked down. "I refuse to give it up. I promised Mr Kim I will protect the vampire jewel at all costs." 

F L A S H B A C K 

Mr Kim looked out his garden to Hoseok and Namjoon playing in the garden. He smiled, but that quickly changed to a frown. "Jade, send Hoseok to my study. I need to have a chat with him." Mr Kim asked the maid. 

"Of course." She bowed and walked out to the garden. Mr Kim walked up to his study and sat down in his chair. Beside him was a gold box with blue and red jewels circling a cut out of a heart bleeding. 

There was a knock at the door and 12 year old Hoseok poked his head in. "You needed me Mr Kim?" He asked, stepping into the dark office. "Yes, I need a huge favor from you." Mr Kim said, getting out of his chair. 

"Oh, what is that?" Hoseok asked. 

"I want you to protect the vampire jewel." He said. 

"W-what? Why do you want me to take care of such an important piece to vampire history? Surely there's other vampires who are far more qualified to take care of it instead of me." Hoseok asked. 

"I trust you, Junsuina will be in search of is soon, and she will never suspect you holding it. There will be a spell on it so only you can summon it out, no one else will be able to access it." Mr Kim explained. 

"But shouldn't Namjoon protect it? He is the future ruler for vampires." 

Mr Kim sighed. "Namjoon is immature and needs a lot more to learn. He will let that power go to his head. I know you will protect it even if it costs you your life. Please Hoseok, for the future of vampires." 

Hoseok thought about it for a minute. "Okay." He said. "I'll do it." 



"Junsuina wants the vampire jewel so she can rule the world?" Taehyung asked. They were now in Namjoon's room. Jimin was still passed out and was laying on the vampire's bed. Everyone was either on the couch or the floor. 

"Yes." Jihyun replied. "I remember her talk about that plan a lot. She just needs the vampire jewel and Ketsuki dead, then she can start her plan for world domination." 

"Does that mean she already has the changeling, werewolf and witch jewels?" Jin asked. Jihyun nodded. "She controlled Kokan to make him give her the changeling jewel, and controlled the werewolves of White Fangs to give her the werewolf jewel. As for the witch jewel... it's gone." 

"Where is it?" Jungkook asked. "You guys ask a lot of questions." Jihyun said. "Just answer the damn question." Yoongi snapped. Jihyun rolled his eyes. "The person who held Majo is dead, and we all know if the person who holds the beast dies, the beast is gone forever. No amount of resurrection can bring it back." 

"Your little friend, the vampire with red hair actually knew her." Jihyun said to Namjoon. "Hoseok knew her?" Namjoon asked. "Then that means..." 

"Yep. Miss Hyuna held Majo." Jihyun said, shocking the vampires. "Whoa, this is a lot to take in." Jin sighed, rubbing circles into his temples. "Oh I am not even finished." Jihyun said. 

"What more could you have?" Yoongi groaned. "It's about Chama." Jihyun said. "Oh its your cousin that you never told us." Taehyung said to Namjoon, who rolled his eyes. "What about him?" He asked. 

"Well, where do I begin. Chama's mother is Junsuina, and his father is Hoseok's father." Jihyun started off. "WHAT?!" The vampires screamed. "Hoseok's my cousin?" Namjoon mumbled. "Yep. From the information I received, Hoseok's dad left Junsuina after Chama was born and then married Hoseok's mother. Then Junsuina married the old vampire Aristocrat leader." Jihyun explained. 

The vampires were speechless, especially Namjoon. It feels like his whole life has been a lie. Til the sound of Jimin groaning snapped them back to reality. Jihyun got up and ran to his brother. "You okay?" He asked Jimin, who's eyes were trying to adjust to the room's brightness. 

"Why does my head hurt so much?" He asked. Jihyun helped him sit up. "I don't know." Jihyun said. 

"I know." A voice said. Everyone turned their head to see the headmaster standing by the door. "It's cause he is far away from the vampire jewel." He said. 

"But, don't you have it?" Taehyung asked. The headmaster shook his head. "Hoseok holds it." Namjoon mumbled. "Okay, how many secrets are you keeping from us?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah, why didn't you tell us?" Jin asked. 

"I had too. My father didn't want Hoseok's life to be at risk." Namjoon replied. "Okay, but giving Hoseok, mind you, who was a CHILD the jewel to take care of is safe. That makes sense." Taehyung said. 

They all began bickering except for Jimin, Jihyun and Yoongi who was just wishing to go to bed. 

"CHILDREN!!" The headmaster screamed. Everyone quieted down and looked at the headmaster. "We have bigger problems." He said while pointing to Jimin. He was getting more and more pale and the skin around his eyes and lips were turning slightly green. He looked almost dead. 

"We need to get the vampire jewel and more importantly Hoseok back." He said. "What happens if we don't? What will happen to Jimin?" Taehyung asked. 

"He will die." 

Oof, this is getting drama filled. I might post another Q&A with the other characters like Junsuina, Chama, Hyuna (who cares if shes dead, just pretend you are talking to her ghost), Kokan, all everyone else from the last Q&A. 

Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading and please don't be a silent reader, vote and comment your opinions. I love you all and I hope you have a great day.


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