Chapter 42

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"Finally, we're home." Yoongi sighed as they entered through the school gates. A couple students were out in the courtyard when they pulled up. 

"Headmaster Dan!!" One of them called out as soon as Headmaster stepped out of the limo. "Hello Ginger and Ruby." Headmaster greeted. 

"What exactly happened? You guys were gone for a long time." Ginger asked worried. "Oh, we just had a bit of a problem from that break in. But all is fine now." Headmaster reassured. 

"Okay." They replied and ran back to their dorms. "Everyone go rest. If your still tired, no need to attend your classes, but at least try to make it to them if you can. Jihyun, Chama, what's your plan?" Headmaster asked. 

"I'm gonna hang here for a few days." Chama replied. "I want to spend more time with Jimin and my family." 

"Okay." Headmaster replied. "What about you Jihyun?" Jimin asked. "To be honest, I kinda want to return to the Eastern territories. I want to learn from the elder witches and become stronger. With our beast gone and the jewel is Junsuina's hands, I want to try and protect them." 

"Okay, do you need any assistance getting there?" Headmaster asked. Jihyun shook his head. "I should be good." 

He walked up to Jimin and hugged him. "Bye, brother." He mumbled. Jimin smiled and hugged him back. "Hopefully we will see each other soon." 

"Here." Jihyun said, pulling a small pouch of crystals out of his pack attached to his pants. "If you ever want to talk, just shatter these on the grounds and a fog window will appear."

"Thank you, see you later." 

Jihyun waved as a cloud of smoke surrounded him, he disappeared a few seconds later. 


Jimin turned around to see Taemin running towards him. "Hey Taemin." Jimin replied. "Where have you been?" Taemin breathed out. "We had a problem with a vampire, nothing more." Jimin replied. 

"Who's this?" Taemin asked, pointing at Chama. "Good day, my name is Chama. I am a friend of Jimin." 

"Chama? The vampire from your dreams?" Taemin asked. "Yeah, but don't worry, he is good." Jimin replied. "I am actually family to Namjoon and Hoseok." Chama said. 

"Oh." Was all Taemin said. "Here Chama, we have an empty dorm room we can let you use. Follow me." Headmaster said, leading Chama into the night dorms. 

"Well, I bet you are exhausted." Taemin said to Jimin. "I am." Jimin replied. "See you guys tomorrow!" He said to the vampires as he and Taemin walked into the day dorms. 

"We should ask him again tomorrow if he wants to attend the night class." Jin said. "Yeah." Everyone else replied, and headed into the dorms where they were surrounded by the other vampires who were demanding for answers. 

"Why is the world against us for resting?" Yoongi whined. 


It was early evening and Jimin was up. He actually wasn't that tired. "Guess I am kind of used to sleeping during the day thanks to this whole experience." Jimin mumbled. 

Taemin left the bathroom to see Jimin sitting on his bed with his knees tucked into his chest. "Can't sleep?" He asked. Jimin looked up and nodded. 

"Taemin, can I get your opinion?" 

"Sure." Taemin replied and sat down criss cross on Jimin's bed. 

"You know how Ketsuki basically changed my whole life? Well the vampires asked me the other day if I could start attending the night class. Part of me wanted to say yes, since I have really bonded with the vampires. But part of me is against it cause that will mean we won't be able to hang out that much. What should I do?" 

Taemin sat there thinking. "I think you should do what you think is best. I respect whatever decision you make. If attending the night class will make you happy, then I say go for it." 

Jimin smiled. "Thank you." Taemin nodded and got up, heading to his bed. "Yeah, but I need to sleep." He chuckled. Jimin smiled and got up. "I will be back in a bit." He told Taemin, who was already out.

Jimin left the dorm and the building. He walked to the main school building and headed to the Headmaster's office. 

He knew his decision. 


"You want to join the night class?" Headmaster asked. 

Jimin nodded. "After some thinking, I decided to join it. I am already getting used to the sleeping schedule, and I would love to hang out with the vampires more. Besides, me being there can help some of the other vampire students to get to know Ketsuki." 

Headmaster nodded. "Alright, so you will be there this month then after summer break, you want to attend all year?" 


"Alright then, you can start packing tomorrow and we will get you settled in. If you want, you can stay in Chama's room." 

Jimin smiled. "I will love that." Headmaster grinned. "Now, get going back to your dorm. You are still a day class student and it's way past curfew." He lectured.

"Got it." Jimin said and left the office, speeding back to his dorm with a smile on his face. I should surprise them tomorrow when I see them in the morning. 


Junsuina screamed in pain as the wound on her back began growing, the venom coursing all through out her body. Got7 were just standing there, not knowing what to do. 

"Do you need anything, madam?" BamBam asked weary. "NO!" She screamed. "Leave me!" The werewolves nodded and scurried out of the room. 

"Oh just you vampires wait, I will be back and that jewel along with that human boy you love so much will be gone." Junsuina chuckled. "Asashin." She commanded. A figure appeared from the shadows. 

"I understand mam. But in return, I want the human boy." 

"Got it." She replied, flashing an evil smile. "All I need is the beast dead. Once that's done, he's all yours." 

"Of course." He said and started leaving the room. 

"And, if you can." She said. 

"Murder those half minded pureblood's along with my son." 

999 words. Sorry this chapter is awful. I am trying to figure out a cool way to finish this story and start the sequel. I need to make Junsuina more the villain, so I thought this was a good way to start. I also might start writing more fluff between Jimin and the vampires. I am trying to get the relationship going but I don't want to rush and have it sloppy.

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading and please don't be a silent reader, vote and comment your opinions. I love you all so much and have an amazing day. 


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