Chapter 36

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Kokan's Pov

I sighed as I rested my head against the cold white wall, my wrists and ankles still chained. I just returned from the punishment room and my body aches all over. 

I wonder how Jimin is doing? I haven't heard from him since the last time he came to visit. 

I looked down at my exposed chest to see Ringu's tattoo slowly fading. "Shoot!" I cursed. It is already fading?! Oh right, Ringu can only gain power when she is out and resting, when she is inside the tattoo she doesn't gain power. 

A guard walked in with some bread and a bottle of water. "Eat!" He demanded, dropping the tray in front of me. 

I looked down at the food in disgust. "No." I simply said. "Look buddy, its either this or you starve to death." The guard sighed. 

"I would rather starve then eat this." I sassed. The guard groaned in frustration and left the cell. A few minutes later he came back in with a sriracha bottle. 


"Here, will this satisfy your bratty attitude?" He asked, holding the bottle of red liquid in front of me. He was waving it in front of my face, teasing me. 

I growled and summoned out my tail, snatching the bottle from his hands. "Oh right, forgot you guys have tails." He said surprised. 

I scoffed and downed the hot sauce, the burning feeling pleasing my parched throat. Once I finished I threw the bottle back at him and retracted my tail. 

He left the room upset making me smile mentally. These people are wrapped around my finger, they know that I am too important to kill with me holding Ringu. And, like most living creatures, we can die from starvation. We changelings are picky eaters, only liking spicy related foods, so these people have no choice but to feed me that. 

I then shot my head up and looked down at my tattoo. My tail, maybe it can allow Ringu out. I brought out my tail and hovered it over my tattoo. I gotta be careful, don't want to stab and poison myself. 

My tail gently pressed against the center of the tattoo and it glowed, summoning out Ringu. As soon as she summoned out, she looked at me and ran over, nuzzling her face against mine. 

"Hi girl." I said cheerfully, petting her head with my arm that is close to her. Ringu looked down at the chains around my arms then back at me. "Yes, I am captured. But don't worry, I am fine." I reassured her. 

It looks crazy to see me talking to Ringu, but she or any of the beasts in this case, aren't dumb. They can understand the human language. 

"Rest, I can tell you need it. We will get out of here soon, I promise." 

She laid down, her head and paws on my lap and fell asleep. I don't have to worry about the guards since they aren't suppose to come in here for another 2 hours. Yes, I counted to see what time and how often the guards come in here. 

I can feel that Ringu is very stiff and is shaking a lot in her sleep. Well she does have limited power with being away from the jewel. She has to use her stored power to stay out to try and gather more. So she is never out of power, but her power certainly going to fully recharge.

But as long as she is here with me, I'm happy. Owners can grow really attached to the beasts, depending on the relationship they have. 

I closed my eyes petting the top of Ringu's head. 

We WILL get out of here and return home. 


No One's PoV

Hoseok and Suru finally made it to the base of the mountain and found a shop that sells supplies and rents horses. 

They walked in and was met with silence, the only sound being a faint song on the radio. "Get something to eat but make it quick, we gotta hurry." Suru told Hoseok. 

Hoseok went down the aisles scanning the foods til his eyes landed on a particular drink he adores. 


It was the only human drink that Hoseok can stand, so he wasted no time opening the door of drinks and grabbed it. 

He smiled and continued going down the aisle, finding the frozen meats. I should get a piece of meat so I can get some blood. It's cool that vampires can get blood off raw meats. Hoseok thought as he scanned the packages of frozen meats. 

He finally chose a steak, he can see some blood on it and there might be more inside of it.  

He went to go find Suru who was in the aisle with the hot sauces. He had a thing of wasabi in his hand. Suru chose the carolina reaper sauce and they left for the front counter. There was a buff guy with a thick mustache and beard behind the counter. 

He started scanning the items. "Lot of vampires out here tonight." He mumbled. Hoseok's eyes widened. "When were the vampires here?" Suru asked. 

"They arrived today and went towards the school, don't know what you beasts want but don't do anything to make our lives worse here." The guy said. "Your total is $9.54."

Suru took out $10 and told the guy to keep the change. 

"Oh also, can you rent out a couple horses?" Suru asked. 

"Yes, how long are you going to rent them?" 

"Til tomorrow, we will try and have them returned before evening." Suru said. 

"They're $25 per night, so that will be $50." The guy told them. Suru nodded and gave the man the money. "They are in the stables. We have trackers on them so don't think about trying to run away with them." 

"We won't. Have a good day." Suru said. He took the bag and they left the store, walking over to the stables.

They took out two horses and began the trip up the mountain trail. "If there is a trail, then why do we need to take horses?" Hoseok asked. 

"Look at the horses feet. They have special horse shoes that help keep them above the snow. The snow reaches to about our thighs, so its best to travel this way." Suru replied. 

It was getting to be evening. Til something caught Suru's eyes. 

Tire marks, 

they were fresh!!

1080 words. Not the best way to end it, I know. I just wanted to get the chapter finished and uploaded. Will Hoseok and Suru be able to reunite with Jimin and the others? Who knows.

Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading. Please don't be a silent reader, vote and comment your opinions. I love you all very much and I hope you have an amazing day.

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