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Jimin and Taehyung were walking around in the mall. Taehyung had a couple Gucci bags in his hands and Jimin had a couple bags of clothing from multiple stores. "So are you nervous about meeting Mr Kim?" Taehyung asked. 

"A little. What really happens if I am unworthy?" Jimin asked. Taehyung sighed. "The government would lock you up and keep you away from the public. They believe Ketsuki is dangerous but when they realize a smart and strong boy is holding it, they will relax." 

Jimin blushed and looked down at the ground. "Thank you Taehyung." Jimin mumbled, blushing a little. 

Taehyung smiled and grabbed Jimin's wrist with his free hand, taking him to another clothing store. They spent a few minutes shopping for clothes. But Taehyung felt like someone was watching them. 

He turned his head and just as he feared, there was someone. It was the kid with the long black hair from his class. Taehyung always thought the boy was awkward and kind of creepy. He wouldn't talk to anyone and would just watch the day class outside. 

Taehyung grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him to a different part of the store. "Is everything alright?" Jimin asked. "Just stay by me and don't wander off." Taehyung growled. Jimin gulped and nodded. He continued looking at the jeans while Taehyung constantly looked over his shoulder, watching the vampire from the corner of the store. 

Once Jimin finished, he paid for the clothes and they walked to a nearby cafe. They sat at a booth in the corner and a waitress walked up to them. She was about to take their order but she froze once she saw Jimin. 

"Is everything alright mam?" Jimin asked. "Y-You hold K-Ketsuki." She stuttered. Eyes filled with horror. "Yes he does, is there a problem?" Taehyung asked. "H-how are you alright with this?" She asked Taehyung. 

"Not everyone who holds Ketsuki uses it for evil." Taehyung said deeply. "Now I will take a black coffee, what do you want Jimin?" Taehyung asked, turning to face Jimin. "Oh, I will just take a iced mocha." 

She nodded hesitantly before running off to the kitchen. "She was a vampire, right?" Jimin asked. "Yes, quite a few vampires live around here." Taehyung replied. They continued talking til the waitress came back with their drinks. "H-here." She mumbled, quickly handing them their drinks before running back. 

"Everyone fears Ketsuki." Jimin mumbled. "Not everyone. Vampires are just a little nervous. But once Mr Kim meets you, vampires will learn to accept you." Taehyung smiled. 

Jimin smiled back and they just sat there, drinking their beverages and making small talk. They paid and decided to walk back to the dorm. 

But as they were walking back, they encountered one of the girls from this morning. It was the girl with the pink hair that shoved Jimin into the lockers. "Oh Taehyung, what are you doing in town? Don't you have classes tonight?" She asked, not noticing Jimin. 

"Yes. But I wanted to head up town with Jimin for a bit." "Jimin?" She asked. Once she noticed him, her facial expression changed. "Look Jimin, I am sorry for earlier. I was angry for some reason but I didn't mean to take it out on you." She mumbled. Jimin forgave her and they kept walking back to the dorm.  

They made it back and decided to hang out in the night class dorm. "What do you have going on for classes tomorrow?" Taehyung asked. They were in Taehyung and Jungkook's shared room sitting on the couch. Jimin was curled up next to Taehyung and they were flipping through channels. 

"Well tomorrow is Tuesday so I have Science, Language, Music, and Dance." Jimin replied. Taehyung clicked on one of the channels and the movie 'A Dogs Purpose' started playing. 

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