Chapter 35

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It's the next day and everyone is in Headmaster Wook's office. There were a couple other changelings with Momo and the others. 

"Let me introduce you to Han, Changbin, Sana, Chaeyoung, and Jihyo." Headmaster Wook introduced. 

"Hello changelings, this is Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jihyun and Jimin." Dan introduced. 

After the introductions, Jihyun began explaining the plan. 

"So we are here." Jihyun said pointing at the map. "And Junsuina's base is somewhere around here." He pointed near at the bottom of the map. 

"Her base is near werewolf territory?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah, that's she was able to round up a whole bunch of them to control since the werewolves don't like to leave their territory." Jihyun explained. 

"So we should have me, Yoongi, Jin and Jimin near the front and have the changelings around the side. With Yoongi's ice powers and Jin's bloodbending powers, we have a good amount of protection and since Ketsuki can detect the jewel, he can lead us to the area of the base to where Hoseok is." Jihyun explained. "The Headmasters will be near the back with special crossbows in case we are ambushed. The changelings can produce some acid that we can put on the arrows." 

"That sounds smart, how many arrows do we have?" Headmaster Wook asked. 

"We have 79 arrows." Chaeyoung replied. 

"Okay, can you guys produce enough acid for the arrows?" Headmaster Wook asked the changelings, who all nodded in return. 

"Okay, so I think we should be good. For the vampires, we have prepacked blood IV bags. Do you changelings have any recommendations?" Dan asked. 

"Spicy foods." They all said in sync. 

"Okay." Dan chuckled and wrote that down on his list. "I am going to quickly head down to that town at the bottom of the mountain for the last of the supplies." He said, slipping on his shoes and coat. "I'll accompany you." Mr Wook said. 

"Okay. We will be back in less then an hour. Start getting stuff ready you guys." Dan said to the students before leaving the building with Headmaster Wook. 

Everyone was silent. "So changelings, can you start getting the acid for the arrows?" Jihyun asked. "Yeah, we will be in the other room." Woojin said. 

He and the changelings left the office and to one of the nearby classrooms. "Are you guys prepared?" Jihyun asked. 

"Yeah, but we should quickly fill up on blood now so we don't have to worry so much during the trip there." Taehyung said. 

"Okay, me and Jimin will get the wagons ready." Jihyun said and he and Jimin left to the stables. "How are you doing Jimin?" Jihyun asked. 

"I'm doing better." Jimin replied. They entered the stable where the wagons were. "Guess the Headmasters took the horses." Jihyun said as he walked over to the first wagon. 

"So this one can be for the changelings and that one is for us and the vampires." Jihyun explained. "Okay." Jimin replied. 

They began working on the wagons, adding supplies and other stuff while Ketsuki laid there, watching them work. 

After about 20 minutes, the changelings walked in with three full buckets of acid. "Oh thanks guys, you can put them near the corner." Jihyun instructed. 

The changelings nodded and placed the bucket of acid in the corner. "So is there anything else we need to do?" Sana asked. 

"Um, no. You can relax or pack any extra stuff you may need, but just the necessary stuff." 

The changelings left the stables to their dorms. "So when are we putting the acid on the arrows?" Jimin asked. 

"When Yoongi and Jin get here. Changeling acid is very acidic so even just dipping the tips of the arrows in the buckets will cause them to melt. Since the changelings produced it, Jin should be able to control it with his powers and place it around the arrows, and Yoongi can freeze it to prevent it from melting the arrows." Jihyun explained. 

"Okay." Jimin nodded. A few minutes later the vampires walked in. "Yoongi, Jin, I need your help over here." Jihyun said. 

"Why?" Yoongi asked. 

"Cause I said so! Now get over here so we can put the acid on the arrows." Jihyun commanded. 

The two obeyed and walked over to the buckets and arrows. After Jihyun explained what they needed to do, they got to work. 

"But if the acid is frozen, how will it be effective if we shoot someone?" Jungkook asked. "The arrows will be able to puncture the skin and the acid will melt because of the person's body temperature and drip into the wound. Even a small amount of this acid can people to the hospital." Jihyun said. 

After they finished, everyone headed back into the school to see the headmasters back with the horses. "Okay, Jungkook, Taehyung, take the bags from the headmasters and put them in the second wagon." Jimin said. 

The two vampires took the bags from the headmasters and placed them in the wagons. "Okay, we should be prepared, everyone rest up and be back here in an hour." Headmaster Wook commanded. 

The vampires along with Jimin, Jihyun and Dan headed back to the dorm house to pack their few belongings. "So, what do we do when he rescue Hoseok?" Namjoon asked. "We find Junsuina and we kill her and get the jewels back. After that the werewolves should be free from her control and can take their jewel back to their home. Then we try and get Kokan so he can return to his home." Jimin said. 

"Then we can return to the school. I had Jungkook contact Taemin, explaining the plan to him and the students." Headmaster Dan said. 

"Okay, I can't wait to return home." Yoongi said. "Same, I am tired." Jin agreed. 


Suru and Hoseok were walking through a thick forest close to the north. Hoseok was no longer controlled by Suru but that doesn't mean he trusted Suru. 

"We should reach the mountains in about an hour. Maybe there will be a shack where we can rent horses." Suru said. 

Hoseok nodded. "Is something bothering you?" Suru asked, turning around to face Hoseok. 

"Your sister is with my friends right?" Hoseok asked. 

"Yeah, why?" Suru questioned. 

"Well did you tell them that we are on our way up there?" 

"I can't contact her, only she can contact me. So no, they don't know you are with me." Suru said. 

Hoseok sighed, rubbing his temples. "Knowing Namjoon and the others, they are probably planning on storming Junsuina's base." 

"Well, let's hope we run into them." Suru said. "Now let's go, if we pick up the pace, we should reach the school by night fall." 

1118 words. Sorry for the horrible chapter, I want to try and move the story along. I will try focus the attention on characters who don't get a whole lot of spotlight next chapter. I will be writing another JiminXBTS book after this book is finished, maybe an alpha and omega book, idk.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading and please don't be a silent reader, vote and comment your opinions. I love you all very much and I hope you have an amazing day.


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