Chapter 39

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Jimin was shocked, he did not expect the vampire's to ask that. "Um, I will honestly have to think about that. I would love to but I don't know how it will affect my life." 

"We understand, take your time." Namjoon said. "Well we should take the wagon down the mountain so we can get to the limo then home." Yoongi said. 

Everyone grabbed their stuff and started to head to the wagon, but they were stopped by Woojin who had a bit of a nervous/excited look on his face. 

"Is everything alright?" Jimin asked. "You all have a visitor at Headmaster Wook's office." Was all he said before walking off to his dorm house. 

"What the?" Hoseok mumbled confused. They began walking to the school wondering who could visit them. Jimin stopped feeling the tingly sensation on his stomach. "What could Ketsuki want?" Jimin mumbled as he pressed the tattoo, letting out the beast. 

As soon at Ketsuki was out, he bolted into the school. "Is it alright?" Namjoon asked. "I don't know." Jimin replied, shrugging his shoulders. 

Ketsuki came running back out and grabbed Jimin's coat sleeve, dragging him into the school. "It seems really excited." Jin chuckled. 

Jimin and the others picked up the pace and made it into the school. As soon as they walked in, the vampire's felt a strange presence. "Does everyone else feel that?" Hoseok asked. 

"I don't." Jihyun said. "Does everyone else?" Namjoon asked the others, who all nodded, excluding Jimin who was still being dragged by Ketsuki. 

They continued heading to the principal's office, the mysterious presence growing larger and larger. They were in front of Headmaster Wook's office and can hear the conversation through the door, but it was to muffled to understand what they were saying. 

Namjoon opened the door a little but Ketsuki grew impatient and pushed the door fully open, running in. 

The vampire's jaws dropped at the sight in front of them. 

Headmaster Wook was sitting at his desk, drinking tea


Chama looked over at the vampires, smiling. "Hello everyone." He chirped. Ketsuki ran up to Chama and tackled him off his chair. "Hi buddy, haven't seen you in a while." Chama chuckled, petting Chama's head.

"How? What? When? Why?" Namjoon asked with wide eyes. 

"Here, sit down." Chama said. "I will explain everything over a cup of tea." 


It's been 5 minutes and the vampires including Jimin were sitting around the coffee table. Headmaster Wook, Dan and Jihyun decided to allow the vampires to talk in private. Ketsuki was sleeping beside Jimin's legs who was across from Chama. Yoongi, Jin and Taehyung were on the right couch while Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook were on the left couch. Chama and Jimin sitting in the armchairs. 

"So..." Namjoon started, awkwardly looking down at his tea cup. "Right." Chama said. "I assume you have a lot of questions and I will answer them all." 

"Where have you been all these years?" Yoongi asked. "Hiding." Chama replied. "More details." Yoongi said. 

Chama sighed. "After the whole situation with my father, I couldn't handle being neglected by all of the other vampires so I left. I've been travelling all over the world and would come here often to visit the changelings." 

"What about Junsuina?" Taehyung asked. 

"She tried to get me to return to the vampires, but I declined. I knew of her plans for world domination but I didn't tell anyone out of fear they would call me a liar. After all, she was married to the leader of vampires who was murdered by Ketsuki whom I created." 

Jimin was looking down at his cup, constantly biting his lip. 

"Do you have something to ask me Jimin?" Chama asked, bringing Jimin back into reality. "I'm sure you have the most questions." 

Jimin took a deep breathe. "I want to know more about the connection between you and I in my past." 

"Ah yes, I knew you would ask that." Chama started. "Well after my mother murdered your parents, I knew she would've waited til you were the right age to summon Ketsuki, then kill you. So I did what my gut told me and 'rescued' you. I allowed you to stay at my home and we actually grew a pretty deep friendship." 

"Then why don't I remember any of it?" Jimin asked. 

"After a bit, I knew you had to return home. It honestly made me sad cause I thought of you a little more as a friend. And I didn't want to hurt you so I made you forget about me and replaced them with memories of you living in your home." 

Chama noticed how the vampires tensed up after he confessed his past feelings about Jimin, making him smile. 

"What is your power?" Hoseok asked. Everyone was surprised that he asked that, but remembered the conversation in the wagon. 

"You're curious?" Chama asked. "Yes, I am." Hoseok replied. 

"Well, I have the power of resurrecting the dead." He simply said. 

Hoseok nodded and took another sip of his tea. 

"Why never have you revealed yourself to us?" Taehyung asked. 

"I was honestly nervous." Chama replied. "I wanted to wait til you guys found out more about our family connection and for Jimin to learn how to use Ketsuki." 

"How did you know when to appear?" Jimin asked. 

Chama shrugged. "Just had a feeling." He said. 

"So what are your plans?" Namjoon asked. "I'm sure the aristocrats are curious on where you are." 

"I don't know. I highly doubt they will be happy to see me." Chama said, finishing his tea. "I doubt that. I heard Mr Kim mention to the vampire councilor multiple times that he wished to know where you are." Hoseok said. 

"Really?" Chama asked, a little shocked. 

"Yeah, you were originally next in line for leader before my father took over." Namjoon said. 

"Okay, I will return with you guys, but we need to go somewhere first." Chama said. 

"Where?" Yoongi asked annoyed, just wanting to go home and sleep. 

"The southern territories." Chama announced. 

"Excuse me?" Taehyung squeaked. 

"Yeah, I have to meet with the alpha of one of the werewolf packs down there." 

"About what?" Hoseok asked. 

"Like I said, I traveled all over the world, meaning I met all sorts of people. I will sometimes run errands for the werewolves since they don't like to leave their land. They wanted ice water from the mountains up here since it has healing properties." 

"Okay, then can we go home?" Jungkook asked. 

Chama smiled. "Of course." 

1092 words. Yes, we finally met Chama, I wanted to make him have a cool entrance like during a fight scene, but I thought this was better. I want to try and make him a really cool yet sophisticated character. Just as an FYI, he no longer has a crush on Jimin, he had one in the past but it no longer exists. But I will still write Chamin moments.

Should I make the next chapter a series of flashbacks from Jimin and Chama's time together? Let me know in the comments.

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading and please don't be a silent reader, vote and comment your opinions. I love you all and I hope you have an amazing day.


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