Twenty Six

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"Chama?" Jimin asked in shock. 

"Yes, it turns out Chama is my step brother, and Namjoon told me a while ago that Chama was his cousin. So technically him and I are cousins by marriage. But he doesn't know that." Hoseok told Jimin, who was in shock. 

"When I visited Kokan earlier he told me that Junsuina has a power to control other living beings that aren't vampires." Jimin told him. "Yeah, I heard of that." Hoseok replied. "So she used it on Kokan? Is that what you are saying?" He asked. 

"I almost fully believe him, but there is still that voice in the back of my head saying he is lying. And if I were to tell the others, they wouldn't believe me. Heck I highly doubt you believe me." Jimin said, running his fingers through his messy hair. 

"I believe you." Hoseok said softly. "You do?" Jimin questioned. "Yes, it would explain his purple-ish eyes. Changelings don't have that kind of color eyes. Plus the werewolves." Hoseok explained. 

"Yeah, he told me that Junsuina controlled them to give her the gems so she can rule the world. All she needs is the vampire gem and nothing will stop her after she kills Ketsuki. That's why she sent Kokan to try and kill me." Jimin said. 

Hoseok nodded. "I don't think the others will believe this but I just want to let you know, I believe you." Hoseok said and ruffled Jimin's hair. "Thank you." Jimin said with a soft smile. 

Hoseok's heart bounced at the sight of Jimin, and he also cracked a smile. "Oh right, why I came here in the first place." Hoseok said. "Me and the others wanted to go out to town with you tonight, just walk around the mall since tomorrow classes start for us and the morning after your classes begin." 

"Sure, I would love too, what time?" Jimin asked. "Sometime in the evening." Hoseok replied. Jimin nodded bid Hoseok goodbye. Hoseok left Jimin's dorm with the small smile never leaving his lips. 

Same goes for Jimin, he also couldn't stop smiling. He never really got the chance to hang out with all of them and just do something normal. He was either only with one of them or if he was with all of them, they were discussing topics relating to Jimin's past or Ketsuki. But now, he can finally hang out with all of them normally. Jimin couldn't deny the fact that he adored all of them, and not in a friends way. He actually loved them, but he didn't want to mention it and ruin their friendship. 

Jimin examined his closet for something nice to wear for this evening. He wants to dress nice but at the same time, he doesn't want to dress to formal or too much. He finally decided on a pair of black jeans with a black turtle neck and his jean jacket. 

He set his clothes on the edge of his bed and decided to kill time by looking through social media on his phone. Til his eyes landed on an specific article. 

BIGHIT HIGH SCHOOL BEING THE FIRST SCHOOL THAT HAS BOTH SUPERNATURAL AND HUMAN CLASSES: Will people be pleased with supernaturals and humans attending the same school? 

Jimin clicked and read it. It explained about the Headmaster wanting to open the school to all of the supernatural classes, within reason. He mainly wanted to open it to the werewolves and hopefully witches. It didn't mention the changelings which made Jimin a little sad. 

At the bottom of the article was more links to different articles about the same topic. Jimin clicked another one and it mentioned of a changeling school that was up in the north. It was quite small but it mentioned that those changelings wanted peace with humans. Jimin's full attention was on the article. The school's name was JYP High and it had multiple students who wished for human alliance. The principal was working on a peace treaty but he wasn't having much luck. The government refused to side with them and a court trial to see if the changelings are worthy will be held on April 25. 

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