I am sorry for any editing mistakes and if you still have questions, ask me in the comments and i will be more than happy to answer them. I just wanted to make this sheet so you guys can understand the classes more. Also the answers and chapter 33 will be out tonight.
Vampires are creatures that look human but don't be fooled, they feed on the blood of living creatures. They look just like humans but they are more pale and have sharp fangs protruding out of their mouths. They live in the western areas of countries. There are two types of vampires, normal and purebloods.
Pureblood vampires aren't common and quite powerful. Pureblood's have their own unique power depending on what kind of person they are. And when they bite someone, that person turns into a vampire and will soon fall into level E, a monster with no human emotion.
The vampire's beast is Ketsuki. It looks like a lion but it's fur color is white and it's mane is also white with blue highlights. It's eyes are a red color. Unlike the other classes, Ketsuki's holder's are humans. But after a tragic incident with it's previous owner, everyone feared it.
Before, Ketsuki's owners would keep it away from the jewel since the vampire government held onto it, but that was not a smart move. If the jewel is too far from Ketsuki, it will do the next best thing to get power, eating vampires.
At first, people loved it and would reward Ketsuki and it's owner, but he wanted more. So he made Ketsuki go after all the classes, striking fear in everyone's hearts.
But Chama, a powerful vampire, ended it. He then used the jewel and made a new one. But his father, the previous vampire leader, was very angry. He threatened to kill him, but Ketsuki killed him before he could harm Chama.
So Chama put a spell on it, keeping it away. Certain humans would be granted Ketsuki, but the beast will only be awoken when the holder gets in contact from a vampire bite, it doesn't matter if it is a pureblood or not.
The cool thing with Ketsuki, is that the holder can't be affected by a bite, pureblood or not.
When Ketsuki is out, it absorbs power form the jewel and stores it in its body, the more power it contains, the brighter its eyes are and the longer it can stay in the regular world without the need of the jewel.
Ketsuki is known to be quite playful and curious, it is very cat/dog like. It is also known to be very loyal to it's owner when he/she treats it right.
Something special about Ketsuki is the fact that it can cancel out any vampire power or spell, no matter how strong it is.
But the holder of Ketsuki also takes a toll when it is away from the jewel. If he/she is away from the jewel for too long, they will get weak. The only two ways to help them is the jewel being close, or Ketsuki when it absorbed enough energy and is out.
Some people absorb the jewel to protect it from others. If they do absorb it, they can bring it out whenever they wish, but only they can, no one else can get it, no matter how hard they try.
The jewel was put into the body of young Jung Hoseok. His step father didn't want the jewel getting into the hands of Junsuina, a vampire who desires to rule the world, so he entrusted his foster son in looking after it.
If a vampire gets a partner, they would create a special bond. Instead of drinking blood from other humans or animals, they would drink the blood of their partner. They would need to drink once a week or else they will go on a frenzy for blood. If its two vampires, the more dominant one will feed off the other. If a vampire and human dated, the vampire would need to drink from the human once per week.

Vampires (JiminXBTS)
Hayran KurguWelcome to BigHit high school. Day classes for humans, and night classes for Vampires. But there's a little secret, no one knows that the night class is vampires. Meet Jimin, he is a regular human, at least that what he thinks. When he transfers to...