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"W-What do you mean? We have no idea who the kid is." Namjoon stuttered, shocked how his father found out. 

"Don't lie to me boy, I know you guys are hiding the kid." His father said, seriousness in his voice. "Fine, but don't send him to the vampire government." Namjoon pleaded. 

"Why? Give me one reason why not." "He also believes in peace with vampires, and according to research, Ketsuki listens to the holder. No matter how absurd the task is." Taehyung said. "And we found out that Ketsuki only killed vampires to gain power if it is too far away from the jewel. It did create it." Yoongi added.

Mr Kim sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "As much as I want to agree with you boys, it is too dangerous. And what happens if the day students found out what he was holding. His life would never be the same." 

"Please Mr Kim, he swore to keep Ketsuki beast a secret and we trust him." Hoseok pleaded. Mr Kim sighed and looked down at the floor thinking. 

After a few minutes, he lifted his head." "Fine." "YAY!!" Taehyung and Jungkook screamed. "IF I can meet him tonight." "You want to meet him?" Namjoon said confused. "Yes. I want to see with my own eyes if this boy is able to walk around free with Ketsuki." 

"Got it. He won't let you down." Hoseok said. Mr Kim nodded and began walking out. "I will be back this evening for a meeting with this kid and the headmaster." Mr Kim spoke before walking out, not giving the vampires a chance to reply. 

They sighed in relief. "That went better than expected." Taehyung breathed out, falling onto the couch. "But why is my question." Yoongi said. "Why?" Jin asked. 

"We all know Mr Kim is stone cold and would never give a human with Ketsuki a CHANCE to walk around freely. So why is he giving Jimin mercy who attends a school with vampires?" 

"That's actually true. No offence Namjoon and Hoseok, but Mr Kim ain't exactly the kindest." Jin said. "We know." Hoseok said bluntly. "So, should we allow those two to meet?" Taehyung asked. 

"I don't know, we should talk to Jimin and the headmaster." Namjoon said. The other's agreed and they walked out of the dorm and headed to the headmaster's office. "Here, if we go this way we won't be seen by the day class." Namjoon said and begin leading them through a door. 

They made it to the office rather quickly and walked in to see no one. "Where is the headmaster? He is always here during the day." Jin asked. 

They walked around til Taehyung passed by the window and saw the Headmaster and Jimin fighting in the backyard. "There he is, along with Jimin Hyung." Taehyung said and pointed at the window.  

"Really? How is he doing?" Yoongi asked, looking out the window. They watched as Jimin dodged the headmaster's swings and punches. "He's pretty good." Namjoon commented. 

"He is, I wonder if he can beat Hoseok Hyung with hand to hand combat." Jungkook said. Everyone turned their heads to Hoseok who was just standing there. Hoseok turned to them and shrugged his shoulders. 

"Should we go down and say hi?" Taehyung asked. Everyone else agreed and they all exchanged glances before jumping out the window. They are vampires so they won't get hurt from falling out of a 3 story building. And even if they do, they can easily heal themselves. 

They landed in the grass, startling the headmaster and making him scream. Jimin took that chance to elbow the headmaster in the stomach, making him kneel and clench in stomach. 

"Sorry." Jimin apologized, helping the headmaster up. "It's fine. As for you boys, what were you THINKING jumping out the window?!" He screamed, flailing his arms in the air. 

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