Chapter 38

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Jimin jumped on Ketsuki's back and they began to run down the mountain, dodging all sorts of trees and rocks. Jimin and Ketsuki can sense it, Hoseok is terrified. 

But Jimin had a question lingering in his mind. 

Why is Hoseok here? And if he's here, does that mean Junsuina is here? 

They began running onto the trail, it was a little difficult due to the thick snow but with Ketsuki's speed and jumping power, they were able to speed down. 

Jimin saw a whole bunch of trucks in a little clearing near the forest and his heart dropped. The hunters! Jimin thought as he and Ketsuki picked up speed. 

They finally arrived and saw Hoseok on the ground in a shock net with two of the hunters holding him down. On the other side was a changeling being held down by many hunters, one of them having a saw in his hands. 

"GET AWAY FROM THEM!!" Jimin screamed as his hair and eyes changed, he summoned a whole bunch of spears, throwing them towards the men. 

Most of them got hit but the guy holding the saw was able to dodge it. "You go get Hoseok, I got this." Jimin commanded to Ketsuki, who obeyed and ran over to the men holding Hoseok, tackling them. 

By now the vampires arrived along with a couple of the changelings. 

"BROTHER!!" Momo screamed in fear, seeing her brother being held down by a guy. The guy lifted the saw and was about to bring it down, but Jimin pushed him out of the way, the saw cutting his forearm. 

Jimin hissed in pain but didn't stop and continued throwing the spears. All he can see was red, he was angry. 

At this point the guy was against the tree with multiple spears in his limbs. "Jimin, calm down." Jihyun said as he hugged his brother from behind. Jimin's eye and hair colored returned, he fell into his brothers arms, breathing heavily. 

"How's Hoseok?" He breathed out. 

"He's fine, he looks to be slipping in and out of conciousness. The vampires are trying to get the net and shock collar off without hurting Hoseok more." Jihyun replied. 

Yoongi trapped the hunters in ice again and buried them into the snow. "They won't be bothering us anytime soon." He said.  

The changelings were getting the net off Suru. "Thank goodness you are safe." Momo said through tears as she hugged her brother tightly once he was out of the net. 

Suru was shaking violently. "I thought I was gonna die." He mumbled, gripping his sister tightly. "I know, but you are okay now." She replied, petting his hair gently to calm him down. 

Jimin and Jihyun got up and went to the vampires who managed to get the net off Hoseok. They were all hugging him tightly. "Here, let me heal him." Jihyun said. "He seems to have a lot of burns." 

The vampires released him but Namjoon kept him close. Jihyun casted a spell and the burns around Hoseok's neck, arms and chest began fading.

His eyes opened up slightly to see everyone staring at him with concern and relief in their eyes. "H-hey guys." He said quietly with a smile. 

"Thank goodness you are alright. How did you escape?" Yoongi asked. Hoseok got up and pointed to Suru. "He helped me." Hoseok said. 

"That's good." Jin said. 

"We should get him to the school. He needs rest." Jungkook said. "Yeah." Namjoon said. "Can you walk?" Jimin asked. 

"Yeah." Hoseok said and got up. Everyone else got up and began heading back up the mountain. 

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