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xue only went down once for dinner before the boys left and that's that

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xue only went down once for dinner before the boys left and that's that. she told mrs. na that she wasn't feeling well and needed to rest though mrs. na was worried about her, she convinced her that it was just a severe headache.

she was laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling for awhile already. her parents called her a few hours ago but she didn't tell them what happened to her earlier because she didn't want to worry them.

xue wanted to sleep but her insomnia was messing with her. she wanted to text her friend but she knew playing with her phone would just make everything worse.

she turned her back and faced the balcony. it was a small balcony and she had let only one side of the curtain to fall. the moonlight was shining brightly and the light entered the room, making the dark room a bit dim.

the door to the room creaked a bit and xue froze in the bed.

who could it be, she wondered.

her breathing was heavy though she tried to tone it down. she pretended as if she was fast asleep. she had to admit that she's a bit terrified.

"xue? are you asleep?" the voice asked. it was low and deep. na jaemin. she closed her eyes tightly, wishing he wouldn't come to her side. 

instead of checking on her by standing in front of her, she heard shuffling noises from the duvet. "listen i know you're still awake. just hear me out okay?"

no replies.

jaemin sighed deeply. she heard nothing but complete silence and she thought he had left. but she was wrong when she felt as if someone was kneeling in front of her, blocking the moonlight.

she really didn't want to open her eyes.

jaemin pushed a few strands of hair that was blocking her face behind her ears. "i'm sorry." he said and what he did next caught her off guard.

he planted a kiss on her forehead before saying goodnight to her. then he left the room. xue made sure jaemin had really left the room before opening her eyes back.

she touched her forehead and the warmth of his lips was still there. "was it a dream.." she hoped she was being delusional but sadly no she wasn't.

she had mixed feelings about all this. most importantly why did jaemin kissed her? was it out of apology and sympathy?

she didn't want to think about it anymore and tried to sleep and she succeeded on her first try surprisingly. did her insomnia suddenly decided not to mess with her?

meanwhile jaemin was the one who couldn't sleep in his room. "what if she was just pretending to be asleep?" his mind was a mess. he didn't know why he made that move.

"ah screw everything!" he kicked his pillow off his bed out of frustration.

one thing he was sure of was that he needed to apologise to her again first thing in the morning.

xue had woken up from her sleep early that morning. not that she purposely woke up early but she was shaken from her sleep because of her nightmares.

she decided not to sleep again and finish the poetry book she borrowed from the library. she thought of getting ready a bit earlier and then help mrs. na at the kitchen.

as soon as she got ready in her school uniform, she received a text from her mom.


We're on our way to the conference.
Are you awake?

yeah i am

Take care okay?
Let me know if you're back
in the Na's household later.

text you later mommy

Okay bye.
Love you.

love you too

she placed her phone in her bag and left to the kitchen. mrs. na was already awake which was not a surprise for her because jaemin told her his mom has always been a morning person.

"good morning aunty."

"oh xue you're awake? are you feeling better now?" mrs. na took a step closer to her and placed the back of her hand on her forehead to check whether her body temperature was back to normal or not.

"i feel better now."

xue felt touched by mrs.na form of affection. mrs. na reminded her of her mom and she realised how much she missed her parents.

suddenly a single tear dropped on her cheek. "oh honey why are you crying?" she wiped the tear and let out a small laugh.

"it's just that you remind me of my mom and i miss my parents." she said and mrs. na engulfed her in a hug.

"it's ok sweetie. they're coming home soon alright? for the time being i can be your mom." mrs. na giggled and they both laughed together.

"am i disturbing something?" a voice from behind suddenly interrupted their moment. "oh not at all jaemin. you can join us if you want!" his mom chirped happily.

"ergh no thanks." he said, making a face. xue's mind flashed back to what happened last night. she made a 2 second contact with jaemin and quickly looked away.

was she awake last night when i went to her room? jaemin thought silently. "you kids wait at the dining table and i'll serve breakfast in a minute." xue nodded and went to the dining table.

soon, jaemin joined her at the dining table and sat in front of her, out of all the empty seats. "that's my seat you're seating at." he started.

he's back at it again with being his cocky self. "and what about it?" she replied. jaemin thought the forehead kiss would ruin everything but he was wrong thank god.

APOLOGISE NA JAEMIN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, his internal monologue screamed.

he cleared his throat and xue looked to him. "i'm sorry for getting mad at you yesterday." there he said it.

"it's ok. sorry for worrying you too." she said in a low voice. "who said i was worried." there he goes again.

"ugh i hate you na jaemin." she groaned, ready to stab his beautiful eyes with the butter knife.

"hate is such a strong word i wouldn't say that if i were you. you can't possibly hate me forever." he giggled.

yep i have 3 papers tmr yet here i am hhh also,, TAKE OFF IS A BOPPPP

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