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they all gathered around and lined up, waiting for instructions

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they all gathered around and lined up, waiting for instructions. "god it's scorching hot!" jiyu who was behind xue all this time complained.

"do you want to know why it's so hot here?" donghyuck turned to her and asked. "why?" she asked back, looking disinterested already.

"well, that's because-"

before he could continue his sentence, jiyu stopped him. "stop! i think i know what you're going say and i'm not very keen to hear it."

"ouch you hurt my feelings." he dramatically clutched his chest, earning a glare from jiyu.

"just say you want jiyu's attention and go for god's sake." jeno sighed and fanned himself, feeling the heat too.

xue fixed her eyes on the ground, not wanting to look up because it was too bright and she definitely didn't want to burn herself.

she noticed how jaemin's hands kept on brushing hers by accident and his touch somehow made her heart flutter a bit. or maybe it wasn't accidental in the first place.

ms. han gave a long-ass briefing session and xue felt as if she could pass out anytime soon. "and now the moment you've all been waiting for. the groupings and roommates." ms. han announced.

everyone was anxious because obviously everyone wanted to be roommates and groupmates with their friends. "since it's your final year here, we have decided to let you pick your own roommates and groupmates!" she said enthusiastically.

everyone cheered and high-fived each other. "4 people in one dorm and 6 members in one group. no extra or fewer roommates and groupmates. the girls' dorm will be on my right and the boys' dorm will be on my left."

"also, you may move to your rooms to unpack your things or do whatever you want. you'll be given 45 minutes for that. make sure to gather here after that. latecomers will be punished." she finished her speech and left.

jiyu and xue decided to be roommates with 2 of their classmates. lucky for them, they're more of a social butterfly when it comes to making friends.

"xue! do you need help to carry your things?" jaemin approached her. "nope. i can manage jaemin, seriously." she frowned.

"okay okay fine. i saw you having a hard time so i thought of helping my princess-"

"dude stop underestimating her. if she said she can manage then let her be. what's your problem?" sunwoo butted in.

"no. what's your fucking problem? i wasn't even talking to you. mind your own business." he held sunwoo's collar loosely, and sunwoo did the same.

sunwoo lost control and threw a punch on jaemin's face. xue gasped and jeno tried to pull jaemin away from sunwoo but jaemin pushed him on the ground and threw back a punch.

"jaemin let him go!" xue pleaded. "stop it! what is wrong with the both of you for fuck's sake?"

"tell him to mind his own business before this fist lands on his face again." jaemin said in a voice xue found very intimidating. jeno and renjun held him back and calmed him down.

"please, sunwoo." she pleaded, eyes begging for him to leave. sunwoo touched his cheek, hissing at the wound before leaving.

xue noticed the wound below jaemin's lips and he tried to hide his pain but failed terribly. jaemin stared at her and gave her a questioning look.

she didn't say anything instead she pulled jaemin away from jeno and renjun. "where are you bringing me to?" jaemin asked. his voice was calm, unlike just now.

xue stayed silent. she went to their assigned room but her roommates weren't there. she let go of jaemin's hand and instructed him to sit on the bed and stay still.

"can you at least tell me what you're doing?" jaemin asked but he got no replies back.

xue went to the toilet to grab some things. before that, she texted hyunjoon to make sure sunwoo got his wound treated.

she went back to jaemin with a bottle of cold water and tissue. she then dabbed the tissue that's dipped in the cold water slowly on jaemin's wound.

jaemin closed his eyes tightly, holding in the pain. she repeated the same thing until the wound was cleaned. "you don't have to do this, you know?" he started.

xue said nothing but only stared at him. "please don't give me the silent treatment. why aren't you talking to me?"

"done. out," she said coldly, pointing to the door. jaemin groaned but didn't move from his spot. "can you not? it's not much of a big deal anyway. boys fight." he reasoned out.

xue found the reason logically dumb because technically, sunwoo didn't offend him in a serious way. "if it's not much of a big deal, then why did you do that? violence is never the answer."

"fine! i don't like him being anywhere near you okay?" he raised his voice, catching xue by surprise. "yes, i'm being possessive over you." he muttered but xue heard every single thing.

her face softened at his reason. she placed a hand on his cheek and caressed it, making jaemin weak. "still. you shouldn't have done that." she said softly, pressing her thumb on his wound.

"does it still hurts?"

"what kind of question is that? of course, it does." he pouted.

"will the pain go away if i do this?" she said, pressing her lips on the wound for a long time, slightly brushing his lips with hers.

he closed his eyes, his knees and hands feeling weak. the effect she had on him was unexplainable. "can we kiss properly now?" jaemin asked, letting out an exasperated sigh. xue chuckled before nodding.

he leaned in, closing the gap between them. jaemin cupped her cheeks as she placed a hand on his collar, pulling him closer. their lips moved in sync, the both of them yearning for each other's warmth.

they pulled away and jaemin let out a small giggle. "i should get into a fight again and get hurt so you'd kiss me again." he announced proudly.

"the next time you get into a fight, you'll get a punch instead of a kiss," she said, shaking her head.

jaemin only stared at her with loving eyes. "shit we're late!" jaemin let out a sigh at his failed confession attempt again and trailed behind xue. 

and they kithed!

ah i've been very ia on my fanacc bcs of exams (duh) so i literally have zero idea of what's going on in ncity djdkds lord i just want exams to be over quickly im like dead inside n outside hh

anyways weathering with you will be out tmr!! i'll watch it once exams are over but omfg i didn't expect flash by x1 to be THAT good fhdsfhsdk gonna stan them properly brb

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