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"since renjun is the only one that has braincells, he'll be the leader

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"since renjun is the only one that has braincells, he'll be the leader." jeno announced to his groupmates.

"are you lowkey calling the rest of us stupid?" donghyuck questioned, ready to square up. "yeah, and what about it?" jeno questioned back, throwing a small rock to donghyuck. "is this how you guys live? arguing about little things?" jiyu asked, shaking her head at their childishness.

"first of all, renjun is as dumb as the rest of us." donghyuck stated blatantly. "at least i passed all the subjects." renjun smiled in triumphant.

"whatever. also, what took both of you so long? you almost got into trouble you know?" jeno turned to jaemin and xue, raising his eyebrows.

"we were-" before jaemin could say it, xue covered his mouth quickly. "i was treating his wounds," she explained.

"yeah? that doesn't explain why you didn't let jaemin to finish his sentence." jiyu raised an eyebrow, looking at them suspiciously.

"on god are you doubting me?" xue asked, pretending to be hurt. "kind of? not my fault that you both look extremely suspicious."

"anyways, we're supposed to cook at the campsite and set up a tent. i'll separate us into two groups so we could finish the task in time." renjun said, his leader instinct kicking in.

"thank god renjun joined the leadership camp or else we're all fucked up. imagine being in a group with everyone having zero leadership skills." jeno blabbered.

"hey! xue went to the leadership camp too and won the second runner up you know?" renjun stated in a matter of fact.

"oh thank god. bless you, xue. now switch roles with renjun quick. i wouldn't want to be ordered around like a slave by this midget." donghyuck complained.

"what would you do if i order you around too? it's a leader's job to order their members around you know?" xue clicked her tongue.

"renjun, divide us into teams please." jaemin asked, ignoring xue's and donghyuck's debate.

"okay so jeno, xue, and donghyuck will be in one team. you guys do the cooking. jiyu, jaemin and i in one team. we'll set up the tent." jaemin was about to oppose renjun's idea but figured out it'd be better if he doesn't.

besides, he'll have his own time with xue later.

"okay let's get going bitches." donghyuck said and stood up from his spot. xue and jeno got up as well. "be careful." jaemin whispered to xue, squeezing her hand.

xue nodded before trailing behind jeno. when they're already in the woods, donghyuck stopped in his tracks. "say xue, is there something going on between you and jaemin?"

xue stared at him and gave him a are you kidding look. "i mean you don't have to hide anything from us considering that we're jaemin best friends. right jeno?" he nudged jeno's elbow.

"huh? sorry i didn't catch that." he said, rubbing his nape. "you know what? let's just focus on finding the firewoods." xue quickly changed the topic.

"sure but we'll come back to this topic later." donghyuck giggled, walking past her. she noticed that jeno was zoning out this whole time.

"jeno? earth to jeno?" she snapped a finger in front of his face.

"uh sorry." he apologized again.

"are you okay? you've been spacing out since just now." she questioned him, collecting small firewoods. "yeah i'm just sleepy." he reasoned out.

the ground was slippery and the grasses were wet maybe because it rained earlier. "gosh i'm already tired." donghyuck complained. xue shook her head and chuckled.

as she was trailing donghyuck, she stepped on a twig, causing her to lose her balance. she thought she'd end up falling on her back but jeno's reflex action was quick.

before she knew it, jeno caught her arms, preventing her from falling. his grip was so tight that she felt so secure. almost as secure when she's in jaemin's embrace.

"woah woah what's happening?" donghyuck turned around just to find them staring at each other. jeno pulled her back up, still not letting go of her.

"she tripped and almost fell." jeno explained.

"are you okay xue?" donghyuck rushed to them to check up on xue. "i don't know i think sprained my ankle," she said, putting her arm on the tree trunk to support her body.

"can you walk?"

"yes i can manage." when she was about to walk again, she stumbled and almost fell again if it wasn't for donghyuck holding her back.

"you need help." jeno stated in a matter of fact. "no i do not. i'm an independent woman." she crossed her arms.

donghyuck rolled her eyes and picked up his firewoods. "walk then." which xue tried to but ended up hurting her ankle more.

jeno eyed her from the side. "see? you're just going to end up hurting yourself more." he sighed. "i'm not going to be the one carrying her." donghyuck stated bluntly.

"so?" jeno raised his eyebrows at her. "you don't have to carry me. just hold me." she ordered as jeno went closer to her.

she slung one arm onto jeno's shoulder and held some firewoods on another hand. jeno placed one arm on her waist and held her arm that was slung onto his shoulder.

xue had never been so close to any other guy except for jaemin and she felt kind of uncomfortable. but at the same time, she felt secured with jeno's arms around her.

the both of them could literally hear each other's breathing. it was awkward for the both of them. "you smell good." xue said out of blue, being able to inhale his scent was a really nice combination with the smell of nature.

she loved it.

"uh, thanks?"

"okay enough. let's get back." donghyuck clapped his hands, gaining their attention. "you guys can trail behind me slowly while i collect more firewoods." he announced. 

my life is going downhill but i'm fine ^____^ i completed the drafts for this story and i'll try to publish one chapter per day ehheeh also,, might fucc around and publish an x1 fic or wtv

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