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it was saturday and xue slept late last night, finishing the book she had always wanted to read

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it was saturday and xue slept late last night, finishing the book she had always wanted to read. now that exam is over she could borrow as many books as she wants from the library.

before showering yesterday, she saved jaemin's number in her phone but she forgot to text him first.

she was planning to text him later after lunch. she went down to the dining room for lunch. her mom cooked her favourite food and she knew something was up but decided to keep quiet.

"so xue," her mom started when she was savouring the scrumptious food her mom cooked.

"your dad and i are going for a business trip to japan tomorrow. well originally only your dad's going but he wanted a company so i'm going as well."

so this is what it's all about, xue thought.

"that's it?" she asked. "how long will you guys be away?" that is the thing with xue. she was so used to her parents being away from her.

usually she would stay with her foster grandparents in busan. but that was during the holidays.

"a week." her dad answered. well not for long so what's the deal, she thought again.

"i think i can manage. though i think we need to go for a grocery shopping since i don't like going out buying food or ordering food." she explained.

"listen sweetie that's not it. you can't stay with your grandparents since school is not over but you're definitely not staying here alone." her mom's voice sounded different.

"what's the deal? we can invite jie ming over. she graduated last month right?" xue said, referring to her cousin who just graduated and is still looking for a job.

"xue you'll be staying with the na family for the meantime." her dad suddenly spoke after a while.

"what no way!" she opposed. "there's no way i'll be living with strangers!" she continued.

"oh sweetie we talked to them yesterday and they are completely fine with it and they were thrilled about having you living with them.

i think you would click with them quickly. after all, you're close with their son so i don't see why is it a problem."

"mom i'm not close with jaemin. and IT IS a problem! i don't know them they're practically strangers! i only started talking to jaemin 2 days ago i still don't know him well." her voice cracked at the end.

her dad sighed. "sweetie it wouldn't be safe for you to live alone. plus there is a lot of kidnapping case nowadays we're worried for you.

at least we know you're in safe hands if you're living with them." her dad's voice was soft and she almost gave in but no she was really stubborn.

she will be turning 18 in 2 weeks she could practically take care of herself. she's not a baby or a child.

"no i don't want to!" she said stubbornly and stood up, running to her room then locking the door. she sat on her bed and started to cry.

she had no idea why she was feeling very emotional. she just could not accept the fact that her parents wanted her to live with strangers.

her parents let her be. they knew how their daughter is like.

true she met them yesterday but she never talked to them, hell she can't even remember how looked like.

can't she just skip school and tag along? her parents never brought her together whenever it comes to their business trip.

her dad knocked her door a few times. " xue can i come in?" xue knew there was no point of arguing with her parents. it will only make things worse.

her dad entered and she ignored him, laying on her bed, not facing him. "look sweetie, it's only for a week and i swear they're really nice you'll be fine."

"dad please-"

"plus i saw you walking home with that jaemin boy yesterday i'm pretty sure you could make use of him of a good friend. he's such a nice boy." her dad was practically praising jaemin now.

xue snorted and looked up. "dad please he's a devil in disguise." she said. "oh so you are close to him?"

"dad i told you i only started talking to him two days ago."

"well, you seemed to know about him a lot. anyways we'll be going back to china after my business trip isn't that nice?" she knew this. her dad was making her giving in.

"fine whatever. make sure you tell them that i don't eat veggies," she mumbled. no point of being stubborn. "sure. that's my girl." he said and ruffled her hair.

when her dad left she buried her face in the pillow. "ugh i literally want to kill myself." she groaned. "xue you dumbass why did you agree now you'll have to see that dork's face every day." she scolded herself.

on a brighter note at least i'll have someone to talk to and to annoy, she thought again.

she decided to text jaemin and let him know. she typed everything out and was about to press the send button but realised it would be no fun so she decided to play with him.


expect the unexpected tmr ;')


your guess?

you ain't slick li xue
wdym by that

see that by yourself tmr


oh come on

i see how it is now

what was that about shshsh istg idek anymore this shit is highkey cliche omg

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