six | fog

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Taya was mostly wrapped up in her own head as they trekked through the woods, her mind far away with plans of her total dictatorship and the man who just never seemed to stop being a thorn in her side, Bellamy Blake. 

Even now, as they followed the marks of a hog, he'd called dibs, taking lead. Behind him, everyone else focused on making as little noise as possible, watching as Bellamy crept closer and closer to the unsuspecting animal, his arm raising above his head as he set to release it, in the same moment a branch behind them snapped and on instinct alone he spun on his heel, the tomhawk releasing from his hand and embedding in a tree, two inches above Charlotte's head.

"Charlotte?" Taya gasped in alarm, recognizing the traumatized girl instantly.

"Get it!" Mbege yelled, the group running off after the hog which took off at the noise, leaving behind Bellamy, Taya, and Atom.

"Who the hell are you?" Bellamy demanded, an edge to his tone as he strode over to remove his axe from the tree.

"Charlotte." She squeaked, her wide eyes still petrified.

"I almost killed you." Bellamy stated, clearly upset he'd almost harmed her.

"Yeah, I think she knows that one." Taya responded, not seeing why it was necessary to hold the aggressive tone he did with her.

"Why aren't you back at camp?" Bellamy asked, ignoring Taya. That being his newest tactic.

"Well, with that guy who was dying, I just—I couldn't listen anymore." Charlotte confessed.

"There's Grounders out here. It's too dangerous for a little girl." Atom lectured her.

"I'm not little." Charlotte objected, puffing out her chest to appear bigger.

"Yeah, you tell them. She's got a better shot killing a grounder than either of you do." Taya looked the two boys up and down in distain, getting another glare from Atom.

"You got a weapon?" Bellamy asked Charlotte, frowning. Charlotte shook her head no hesitantly, "You can't hunt without a weapon. You ever killed something before?" Bellamy asked, producing a knife and holding it out to her.

Charlotte again still timidly shook her head no, taking the foreign object.

"Who knows? Maybe you're good at it." Bellamy said with a friendly smile, thinking her big eyes reminded him of Octavia.

"What the hell is that?" Atom asked, looking over his shoulder to see some weird type of fog approaching the group, it an unnatural yellow. Alarmingly, they saw the group of hunters running straight to them as well, as if running from the fog.

"Run, Bellamy, it hurts!" One screamed in warning, no one needing any further instruction as they took off.

"Charlotte, my hand!" Taya yelled, desperately grabbing onto it as they took off, Charlotte clinging onto her like she was her lifeline.

"Come on! There are caves this way!" Bellamy yelled to the group, the fog approaching them faster than they could outrun it. Bellamy turned as he jumped over a log, reaching out and helping catch Charlotte as the pair helped the smaller girl clear it, Bellamy grabbing Taya's hand to ensure they were with him as they made their mad dash into the cave, someone's cries for Bellamy causing him to pause as they made it to the entrance, letting Taya's hand slip out of his own.

Taya, refusing to let the idiot run off and try anything stupid, ushed Charlotte deeper into the cave, grabbing Bellamy by the shoulder and tugging him in.

"It's too late." Taya hissed, bluntly stating the truth as Bellamy resisted her attempts to get him further in.

"No. I have to go back." Bellamy was looking out at the entrance, his eyes wide and voice panicked.

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