sixteen | hunting

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"Each group takes someone with a gun, and they're for killing grounders, not food. We don't have the ammo. Use the spears for hunting. Get what you can. Be back by nightfall. No one stays out after dark." Bellamy informed the roughly 20 people inside the dropship as Taya walked in, curious as to what was going on but found it momentarily paused as she watched Bellamy with a small smile, he really had a knack for leading people. Bellamy turned and saw her.

"Hey." He said, walking over with his own smile.

"What's all this?" Taya asked, looking around.

"I can't believe you didn't wake up but the food was all burnt down by some idiot." Bellamy sighed and Taya's eyebrows scrunched together worriedly. "So, behold, our hunting parties." He gestured.

"Oh, sick, they still have knifes." Taya grinned moving forward, ready to jump into a group only for Bellamy to catch her arm gently.

"Hey, why don't you stay, you're still limping." Bellamy pointed out. Taya sighed but nodded.

"Buzzkill." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Real mature." He commented with a grin. "Come on, you can come with me to do a few perimeter laps." Bellamy suggested.

"Okay." Taya brightened up, already forgetting about missing out on the hunting trips.


It was late, and Taya was cold. But Clarke, Finn, and some other kid had managed to get themselves lost or worse, so they where out in the woods, looking for them with Walkies.

"I thought you said they were heading west. Where are you?" Monty asked Bellamy and Taya.

"Just keep the moon on your left, and you'll find us." Bellamy instructed as the two kept walking, keeping an eye out.

"Is anyone else hearing this signal?" Monty asked as a weird frequency admitted from the device.

"Just keep your eyes open." Raven said into it.

"I think it's the same thing we heard in the Black Box." Monty suggested.

"Damn it, Monty, pay attention. Do you see anything? Report." Bellamy said before a screech came from the Walkie.

"There's someone in the bushes." Raven said quietly over hers.

"We're coming round." Taya whispered back into it as Bellamy and her set off, guns raised.

"Miles! Miles, what happened?" Octavia asked worriedly as Taya and Bellamy reached the very injured kid.

"Where are they? Clarke and Finn, where are they?" Raven demanded.

"Grounders took them." Miles wheezed.

"Take it easy." Bellamy coaxed as Taya crouched down and tried to assess the damage.

"We gotta get him back to camp asap." Taya piped up.

"What about Clarke and Finn?" Octavia asked and everyone was silent.

"The four of us can't take on a grounder army. They might be dead for all we know, we have to save who we can." Taya spoke softly, not meeting Raven's distraught eyes.

"Raven, I'm sorry." Bellamy said sincerely.

"We need to make a stretcher." Raven choked back her emotions.

"Monty, we're heading home. You copy? Monty, can you hear me?" Bellamy asked into the radio only for total silence. "Monty. Monty, where the hell are you? Report. Monty." Bellamy repeated.

Taya sat back on her heels and sucked in a nervous breath. "Oh god." She whispered.

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