"She said she's ready to talk." The guard said to Bellamy when he rounded the corner.
Taya kept her eyes down, not meeting anyone's gaze.
"You have something to say?" Bellamy asked, walking to the wiring.
"I want immunity." Taya stated, finally looking up. "I don't want to die." She shook her head, allowing her eyes to well up the slightest.
"I will keep you safe but you need to tell us everything." Bellamy promised. Taya swallowed heavily and breathed out slowly, looking at the ground. "What do you have?"
"So..." Lincoln drawled and Taya turned before looking away again. "The coward makes the deal to save her own skin."
"Quiet." Bellamy ordered as Taya turned back around and clenched her jaw.
"You always were weak and scared, following Bellamy into anything. I always knew it was an act. You just do whatever needs to be done to save your own skin." Taya didn't pretend to be hurt anymore. She was pissed. Lincoln struck a cord.
"Shut up." Taya hissed, spinning around.
"I won't let you kill us." Lincoln promised before punching Taya.
Taya was then thrown to the ground and Lincoln started throwing punch after punch.
Taya just tried to block the blows nothing more, but found she needed to sneak at least one or two in because Lincoln was hitting probably a little harder than he needed to for a fake act.
To be fair, Lincoln had suggested staged fighting but Taya had deemed it too risky.
"Come now!" Lincoln yelled to the Grounders the second Bellamy opened the door. The Grounders rushed forward and Taya was released.
She blinked a few times and found the pain quickly faded.
At some point Bellamy had been hit, but he looked about recovered and went for Lincoln.
Taya shot forward and just barely managed to catch him, throwing him back to the ground.
She didn't have time to worry about him as they pushed for the door, getting it open as hell broke loose. She found the guard who threw her onto the steel ground and instantly went at him, just trying to fight for as long as possible.
After a few nasty blows the guard was down so Taya grabbed his baton and ran at on coming guards with a yell, zapping as much as possible as she tore off.
She knew where she had to be.
"Come on!" Kane yelled as she raced towards the Rover. Kane was still struggling to get Pike in the Rover.
"Start it!" Kane tossed her the keys and she did, being the best driver they had.
The second Kane gave her the go she floored it, trying to pick up enough speed to tear down the main gate.
"Look out!" Kane warned as Bellamy appeared, right in the way.
"Bellamy, move!" Taya yelled, her frustration at a new high. He squared his shoulders in defiance.
Taya slammed on the breaks, barely stopping in time. Defeat crashed over her as she closed her eyes and hit her head against the headrest.
She couldn't do it. She wasn't strong enough.
"I'm sorry, Kane." Taya whispered.
"I couldn't have done it either." Kane shook his head.
"Should've killed me yourself." Pike called from the back.
"Shut the hell up, it's not too late." Taya growled, going to grab the key to use as a blunt knife. She was angry enough to make it work.
"No." Kane stopped her. "It's over." Kane said softly as the truck got swarmed.
Taya put her hands up when the doors were ripped open, this time they took her out nicely. But she couldn't meet Bellamy's gaze as they cuffed her.
Maybe this could technically count as her third time being arrested.
"As you know, the terms of marital law and of the Exodus Charter give me both latitude and ultimate authority in determining your punishment. Do either of you have anything to say for yourself?" Pike asked.
They'd decided that since they both had committed the same crime, they'd have Kane and Taya be told their fate together.
"I admire your adherence to the rule of law. I really do. But these are times when we have to look beyond the rules. To realize they were established to serve a world of the past. Not of the future. I beg you one last time to see the world as it is. Not as it was. Or as you want it to be." Kane spoke.
"And I hope you believe that if I thought for one minute that turning myself over to the enemy would secure the safety of our people, I would do it." Pike promised. "But only a deluded man would believe that. And only a guilty man would try and tell him so."
Pike squared his shoulders.
"Marcus Kane and Taya King. For the crimes of treason, kidnapping, assault, and attempted murder, I hereby sentence you to death. Take them." Pike nodded to the guards. Taya's eyes found Bellamy's tearful ones.
Taya didn't say a word as a silent tear slipped down her cheek.
"I told you so." She cracked a small, wry smile at him as they rose her to her feet. Honestly she just wished she could see him smile one last time.
But as the guards went to pull her past him, she dug her feet into the ground and met his eyes head on.
She just wanted to get one more good last look at him, and she did. Until the guards pulled her away.

resist || bellamy blake
Fanfiction"STARED IN THE MIRROR AND PUNCHED IT TO SHATTERS COLLECTED THE PIECES AND PICKED OUT A DAGGER." nightmare, halsey re•sist /rəˈzist/ withstand the action or effect of. Taya was no stranger to having to resist the environment around her, and the groun...