"Becca's journal is amazing. At 26, she found a pathway to access a human mind. That same year, she had to lock up Alie because her answer for what was wrong with the world was 'too many people.' She was 27 when it launched the bombs." Raven recapped.
"What did she write about the Flame?" Clarke asked, turning around from the passenger seat.
"Alie 2.0. She saw it as a way to atone for her sins. She designed it to not just access a human mind, but to merge it with one. It could never wipe us out, because it would be one of us. She would put it in herself first. Altered her genes so her body wouldn't reject the implant. Bekka Pramheda, the first Commander."
"The gene therapy made her blood black, didn't it?" Clarke asked her.
"Yeah." Raven confirmed.
"How did you know that?" Octavia asked.
"Night blood. That's where it came from. Somehow it became hereditary. Luna has it. That's why we have to find her. If she can access Alie-2..." Clarke trailed off a bit.
"She can tell us how to stop Alie-1." Octavia finished.
"Bekka Pramheda gets her second shot at atonement." Sinclair commented.
"I think that's what Dr. North was trying to make me." Taya finally spoke up, forcing herself to think her thoughts out loud. "He didn't quite do it but, maybe I could?" Taya suggested.
"We don't know yet, and it'll kill you if it isn't true. We have to find Luna, it's safer." Clarke shot her down. Taya nodded, knowing that it probably was a really low chance Dr. North guessed right.
"Get back to the kind pathway. If Alie uses it to upload our minds to the City of Light, then there's a chance my mom's still alive." Monty stated hopefully.
"That depends on your definition of alive." Raven replied, attempting to softly shoot his hope down.
"Eyes sharp. Weapons hot. We're almost home." Bellamy said from the drivers seat, having switched with Taya a while back.
Taya was glad to hear the news that the car ride was almost done, as nausea threatened to make an appearance.
"Miller, come in. Harper, you there? Your ride's two minutes out." Bellamy said to open air.
"Good start." Jasper said sarcastically.
"We left two days ago. Why haven't they fixed the gate?" Octavia asked as they entered the trashed and abandoned Arkadia.
"Maybe because there's no one here to fix it." Jasper suggested from the turret as everyone else walked on foot, weapons hot.
"It's like a ghost town." Taya commented, weirded out by it.
"Miller, where the hell are you? I don't like this." Bellamy attempted raidioing again.
"Maybe they got chipped." Jasper suggested.
"If they got chipped, they'd have been waiting for us at the cave." Bellamy pointed out.
"Maybe they saw the open gate and went in for Lincoln's book." Jasper produced another theory.
"Maybe you should stop saying maybe." Octavia snapped.
"If they are chipped, Alie already knows we're coming." Clarke stated.
Everyone stopped, their eyes falling on a puddle of dried blood. Lincoln's blood.
"Let's get his book and get the hell outta here." Octavia said stiffly, snapping her eyes away from it.

resist || bellamy blake
Fanfiction"STARED IN THE MIRROR AND PUNCHED IT TO SHATTERS COLLECTED THE PIECES AND PICKED OUT A DAGGER." nightmare, halsey re•sist /rəˈzist/ withstand the action or effect of. Taya was no stranger to having to resist the environment around her, and the groun...