"Hey." Bellamy sighed as he walked into their room. Taya was sorting through some of her stuff, organizing things seeing how she hadn't really gotten the chance to do so since moving in. Plus it helped her think.
"Hey." Taya replied, setting some things down.
"When the time comes to fight, stay with Finn. Please?" Bellamy asked, his eyes soft.
"And why would I do that? I'm not the one with a price for my head." Taya scoffed before regretting putting Finn's situation in such a crude light as Bellamy sighed. True, but crude.
"Because you're still healing. You're still in that sling." Bellamy nodded to her arm, ignoring her comment.
"Doesn't mean I can't kick ass." Taya shrugged casually, not about to let him use that excuse.
"Yeah, it kinda does. Plus I need you to make sure Finn doesn't do anything stupid." Bellamy pointed out, standing his ground.
"Like what, turn himself over to the Grounders like he should?" Taya mumbled to herself as she straightened something out on the desk. But unfortunately Bellamy caught her words.
"What? You can't be serious?" Bellamy demanded, shocked at her words.
"He killed 18 people Bellamy, I don't know why we're defending him." Taya revealed her true feelings.
"Because it's Finn." Bellamy said sternly.
"So? It doesn't matter who he is, he still did it. Hell, if it was you I'd still agree that it was a fair punishment." Taya threw her hands up in annoyance, letting words slip that she didn't really mean.
Bellamy let out a hurt scoff before shaking his head and storming out.
"Bell, wait. I didn't mean that." Taya tried to call after him but he pushed on and down the hall. Taya muttered angrily under her breath, angry at herself, and dropped the papers she had in her hand, leaving as well for a breath of fresh air.
However, when she left the Ark, her throat constricted at what she heard. The grounders were chanting a phase she had unfortunately memoried at this point.
Blood must have blood.
Taya decided it would be smart to turn back around and get a gun.
"They're trying to scare us." Bellamy said, his voice rigid as everyone watched the forest.
"I think we should pull back and go inside the station." Abby suggested.
"No. We need to prove we're not afraid." Clarke shook her head.
"What if I am?" Abby asked quietly, looking to her daughter for reassurance.
"Fake it." Clarke replied simply.
After a moment Abby marched forward with Clarke, Bellamy, and Taya trailing behind her.
"Open the gate." Abby ordered. Taya wasn't sure what Abby was doing, but she watched silently.
"Where's the boy?" One of the Grounders demanded.
"We are not giving him up. We're ready to fight, if that's what it comes to." Abby said grimly. Taya shook her head and stared at the ground with a clenched jaw.
A horn blew at the news and the Grounders rode off as quickly as their horses would allow.
"Watch the woods. Watch for movement." Bellamy called loudly to the guards stationed around the perimeter.
"Guys." Clarke called and nodded at the woods as a man came out with his hands up.
"Don't shoot." Kane called. "Don't shoot."

resist || bellamy blake
Fanfiction"STARED IN THE MIRROR AND PUNCHED IT TO SHATTERS COLLECTED THE PIECES AND PICKED OUT A DAGGER." nightmare, halsey re•sist /rəˈzist/ withstand the action or effect of. Taya was no stranger to having to resist the environment around her, and the groun...