"I say, we run two-man patrols, round the clock, starting now." Bryan suggested.
"We'll do that, but we should be safe here. The Grounder blockage's too close for Pike to risk looking for us." Kane nodded.
"Okay, but won't the blockage attack us?" Taya voiced her obvious concern.
"As long as we stay on this side of the line we should be fine." Kane tried to reassure them.
"They're Grounders, you really think they're gonna play by the rules?" Bryan questioned.
"I mean you did kill a shit ton of their people." Taya shrugged casually but her eyes were hard.
"Look, we take Pike out, we can go home." Miller reminded everyone.
"We take him out, then the Grounders lift the blockade?" Harper checked.
"That's right. We become the 13th clan again. Those were the terms." Kane nodded.
"Those were Lexa's terms. If what Bellamy said is true, we have no idea who we're dealing with." Taya pointed out.
"One problem at a time." Kane said.
"What about Clarke?" Miller asked. "With Lexa gone, she's not safe at Polis."
"Clarke made her choice. The only thing that matters now is killing Pike." Octavia finally spoke up.
"Octavia's right. Once we resume our place in the Commander's coalition, Clarke will be safe. So, how do we do it?" Kane asked.
"Bellamy, come in." Monty radioed. "It's Monty, I'm in trouble. Please say you sill have your radio." Taya grabbed it and was about to hand it to Kane to answer when she realized something.
"If Pike's listening..." Taya began.
"We got to Channel 7. "Please say you still have your radio." That's seven words after the word trouble. It's code, go to seven." Bellamy spoke up.
Kane nodded to Taya.
"Bellamy, are you there?" Monty asked, low and behold, on seven.
"This is Taya. What's wrong?" Taya asked.
"Pike knows that I helped you guys get out." Monty said and everyone sighed.
"I think you know where to go. Meet me there, I'll bring you in. And stay off the radio, over and out." Taya said and clicked it off.
"Hold on, what if it's a trap and Pike's waiting?" Harper questioned.
"That's why I'm going alone." Taya stood up.
"Like hell you are." Octavia stood up as well.
"I'm with Octavia." Miller stood up.
"Yeah I'm coming with." Kane added.
"Guys. That's five people he wants dead instead of two." Taya sighed.
"Monty saved my life. I'm going." Miller stated.
"No, you're not. If it is a trap, we're not marching our entire insurgency into it." Kane stopped him.
"To stop me, you're gonna have to kill me." Octavia stated.
"She hopes it's a trap." Bellamy called.
"He's coming, too." Octavia stated, looking back at him. "We'll need a hostage to trade for Monty."
"That's a good plan. He stays chained, gag him." Kane nodded.
"Sir, with all due respect—." Miller began.

resist || bellamy blake
Fanfiction"STARED IN THE MIRROR AND PUNCHED IT TO SHATTERS COLLECTED THE PIECES AND PICKED OUT A DAGGER." nightmare, halsey re•sist /rəˈzist/ withstand the action or effect of. Taya was no stranger to having to resist the environment around her, and the groun...