"I'm here." Taya said, hurrying over to Kane and Miller, typing in the code all the councilors knew.
Pike had voted Taya off after Bellamy and her's little talk that finally convinced Bellamy to vote nay. But she doubted they changed the codes. Luckily, they hadn't yet.
"Chancellor Pike. Good to see you." Someone called from the hall just as they opened the door.
"Shit." Taya cursed.
"Hey. You put this somewhere smart, out of sight. We'll buy you some time." Kane said to the Miller, handing it to him. Miller rushed inside and Taya and Kane hurried off.
Taya's eyes dropped to the floor when she saw who he was with. Bellamy.
"Hey, we need to talk about these things Jaha is distributing." Kane said, stopping the two.
"No, we don't, that's Abby's department. I have much more immediate concerns." Pike disagreed, trying to push past.
"Like the imprisoned Grounders?" Taya asked and they turned again.
"Interned, for their safety as well as ours." Pike corrected.
"They're too sick to walk, let alone fight. Even you would be able to take them on." Taya let her comment slide easily.
"We should at least send them home." Kane said after shooting Taya a warning look.
"They're a liability. Let them go, they'll tell their people what they know about us. Our defenses and capabilities." Bellamy spoke up.
"Like Clarke and Octavia haven't done that already? Great job on that one by the way, you get a gold star? Pat on the back?" Taya's eyes narrowed as she sneered.
"And we're talking about Lincoln here." Kane reminded a peeved Bellamy.
"No, we're talking about the enemy." Pike corrected.
"Not all Grounders are the enemy." Kane shot back.
"Kane, we've been through this, all right. The election decided it." Pike snapped. Taya saw Miller pass by but knew if they magically played nice they'd pick up on it.
"You gave them the easy option." Taya glared.
"My job is to keep us safe. Not to be liked." Pike said before walking away.
"Well you're really fantastic at one of those!" Taya called to their fading figures. After they were gone Kane and her shared a look, and a deep sigh.
"Okay. Let's get this meeting started. Welcome Farm Station's own Monty Green and Factory girl, Zoe Monroe, as we begin our next crucial phase, expansion and salvation. And this will lead the way." The three huddled around the radio, listening to the council.
"Dirt?" Monroe asked. Taya glared at the radio like it was her. She'd always liked Bellamy, and now that they were over she'd jumped at any and all opportunities.
"Soil. Fertile, arable soil. Vastly more rich than anything we've found since landing. We'll clear the trees and plants within the month." Pike continued.
"We start with soy beans and corn. They grow the fastest." Hannah said.
"What's wrong, Monty? You don't like corn?" Bryan asked.
"I've never had corn, actually. Is this where we're going?" Monty asked.
"That's right." Pike replied.
"There's a village here. What about the people who live there?" Monty asked. Taya already knew enough to know that these people would have no problem wiping out the village but she would not let them kill anymore Grounders. Not even if it cost her her life.
"That's Sector Four. We talked about this. The people there are not a threat." Bellamy stressed, making Taya feel a bit of surprise, and hope.
"We need that land. With the loss of Mount Weather's resources, Arkadia will be starving in less than a year." Pike said.
"With all due respect, sir, you still haven't answered Monty's question." Bellamy said.
"You know the answer. Every field must be cleared of stones before it's tilled." Pike continued, as if murdering another group of innocent people was nothing.
"We were spotted by a child. So, they'll be expecting us. But they lost their fighters when we took out the army. We don't expect resistance." Hannah said.
"They're Grounders. They'll resist." Monty objected.
"Even if they don't, the Commander's message was clear. Blood must not have blood. That doesn't mean we can start taking—." Bellamy began.
"What would you prefer? Die fighting for your home? Or starve to death?" Pike asked rhetorically. "Will you do what needs to be done for your people to survive or not?"
"We'll do what needs to be done." Bellamy said after a moment of silence. Taya's eyes dropped to the ground in shame.
"I need a break." She announced.
"That's a lot of firepower." Kane commented as the two strode towards the people loading the Rover.
"Let's hope we don't need it." Bellamy replied.
"What's the mission?" Kane asked, trying to sound innocently curious.
"Planning for our future." Bellamy replied, instantly seeing his angle.
"You know, that looks a lot like our past." Kane commented. But Taya's attention had drifted away to the Rover. Last time she was in it, Reese had been by her side.
"We're building a life here." Bellamy stated. "Not trying to make peace with people who only understand war."
"Damn right." Hannah commented.
"Last time I was in that Rover Reese was alive." Taya said to Bellamy causing him to stop.
"You can't keep using her against me, Taya. It's wrong." He glared at her. Taya was honestly a little shocked.
"I wasn't." Taya said honestly. Bellamy just brushed her off with a sigh.
"Monty?" Taya asked as she saw the boy about to load into the vehicle. He turned and gave her a sad look.
Taya just shook her head and dropped her eyes.
"Let's move out." Bellamy called to the group. Taya suddenly couldn't take her eyes off him. What if he died out there? What if this was it?
Taya looked away when Bellamy noticed. She turned away, not waiting to watch them leave.

resist || bellamy blake
Fanfiction"STARED IN THE MIRROR AND PUNCHED IT TO SHATTERS COLLECTED THE PIECES AND PICKED OUT A DAGGER." nightmare, halsey re•sist /rəˈzist/ withstand the action or effect of. Taya was no stranger to having to resist the environment around her, and the groun...