withstand the action or effect of.
Taya was no stranger to having to resist the environment around her, and the groun...
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It'd been four months since Mount Weather. Life had gotten better.
Still, the echoes off the mountain still creeped into the minds of everyone who knew them, but for the most part, people had healed.
In those four months, Taya and Bellamy had become almost parents to the little girl named Reese Lemkin. She was only nine and had lost her father to the culling and her mother in childbirth.
She was like Charlotte to the two, and Bellamy found caring for the girl healing as he tried to redeem himself for his past.
Taya honestly just loved the little girl and all her sass.
"I can do better and I'm not even 10!" Reese called as Bellamy and Lincoln practiced fighting, the two watching Bellamy tumble to the ground as Lincoln beat him pretty easily. Taya winced slightly, but couldn't hold back a chuckle at the jab Reese threw at him.
Bellamy shot the girl a look before picking himself back up.
Bellamy even countered pretty well but after a few blows, Lincoln threw him over his back and pinned him down.
"He had me, but he was too aggressive." Lincoln informed the watching crowd. Taya's eyes stayed trained on Bellamy's shirtless figure, eyeing him hungrily.
"Whatever you say." Bellamy replied, causing some chuckles.
"Pair up and fight." Lincoln ordered and Reese hung back as Taya walked over to Bellamy.
"Come on, big boy." She rose her fists with a grin. "I'll put you in your place." She joked.
"Oh, I'm shaking." He joked back, pretending to act scared.
"Hey, I could do it." Taya huffed, shooting him a half hearted glare.
"I'm sure." He nodded kissing her forehead before throwing on his shirt.
"Running away so quickly? She hasn't even tackled you yet." Lincoln chuckled, walking over.
"Oh she did plenty of that last night." Bellamy mumbled, just loud enough for Taya to hear it, causing her cheeks to go red. "We're mapping Sector 7. Harper, let's get this over with." He answered Lincoln before calling to Harper.
Harper threw Lincoln a bag, in it a guard's uniform.
"The council wants you to have that." Taya nodded to it.
"I'm Trikru." Lincoln responded.
"A uniform doesn't change that. This is our home now, Lincoln." Bellamy stressed. "We fought for it."
Bellamy looked to the group. "Too many of our friends died for it. On the Ark, the uniform meant something different. Down here, it means what we make it mean. Together."
Once Bellamy was done he took Taya's hand as they left, Reese accompanying them.
"Hey! Sector 7?" Lincoln called, catching up to them in the halls. "That puts you right at the Ice Nation border."