"If you so much as look at her the wrong way, I will slit your throat." A man said to Taya and Clarke who stood before a tent of sorts.
"Warm welcome." Taya whispered to Clarke as the man moved to allow entrance. They walked in and there on a throne of sticks sat the commander. Taya was a little surprised to find it was a she.
"You're the two who burned 300 of my warriors alive." The woman spoke, twirling a knife in her hand.
"You're the one who sent them there to kill us." Clarke replied. Taya found herself always surprised at Clarke's little bad ass lines.
"Do you have an answer for me, Clarke and Taya, of the Sky People?" The commander asked.
"We've come to make you an offer." Taya said.
"This is not a negotiation." The commander sneered. A woman standing to her right spoke something that seemed unfriendly. The Commander held up her hand to silence her.
"We can help you beat the Mountain Men." Clarke said, clearly catching the interest of the leader.
"Go on."
"Hundreds of your people are trapped inside Mount Weather. Kept in cages. Their blood is used as medicine." Clarke explained.
"How do you know this?" The Commander demanded.
"Because I saw them. My people are prisoners there too. I was one of them." Clarke revealed.
"Lies. No one escapes the mountain." The woman next to The Commander spoke up.
"The Mountains never been tested by a Sky Person." Taya shot back.
"I did with the help of Anya. We fought our way out together." Clarke said, playing their one emotional card.
"Another lie. Anya died in a fire. You killed her." The woman spat. Clarke moved to get something from her pocket and all the grounders moved to weapons.
Clarke decided to pull out the lock of Anya's hair slowly.
"She told me you were her second. I'm sure she'd want you to have this." Clarke hesitantly moved forward and handed the hair to The Commander.
"We don't know it's hers." The woman pointed out only for The Commander snap something at her in Grounder language.
"Anya was my mentor before I was called to lead my people. Did she die well?" The Commander asked.
"Yes. By my side. Trying to get a message to you." Clarke said.
"What message?" The Commander demanded.
"The only way to save both our people is to join together." Clarke said.
"Those who are about to die will say anything." The woman spoke up.
"I'm still waiting for an offer." The Commander said.
"The Mountain Men are turning your people into Reapers. We can turn them back." Taya spoke up.
"Impossible." The woman said before carrying on in grounder language, seemingly pissed.
"We've done it with Lincoln." Clarke spoke up.

resist || bellamy blake
Fanfiction"STARED IN THE MIRROR AND PUNCHED IT TO SHATTERS COLLECTED THE PIECES AND PICKED OUT A DAGGER." nightmare, halsey re•sist /rəˈzist/ withstand the action or effect of. Taya was no stranger to having to resist the environment around her, and the groun...