Taya strode out towards the gate, an energy about her naturally removing anyone from her path as she came to a halt. Just as Pike, Bellamy, and Co. exited. Headed for the gate.
When they reached her, they stopped.
"If you don't get out of our way, I will have you arrested." Chancellor Pike warned. Taya set her jaw.
"I know I can't stop you. This is between Bellamy and I." Taya turned to meet his eyes.
Bellamy rose his jaw to show he had her attention.
"You walk outside these walls, we're over. Permanently." Taya forced her voice to stay iron clad. She needed him to know she was serious.
Bellamy looked instantly conflicted. And Pike saw that.
"You swore to protect our people. While Taya is lost, she is still out people. And you need to do what you need to do to protect her, plus isn't it better for her to hate you and be alive than to love you and be dead?" Pike asked and Taya glared at Pike. He was good, somehow, he knew exactly what to say to convince Bellamy.
By the time Taya's eyes left Pike's and came back to Bellamy's his eyes had already hardened. He'd made his choice.
"I'm sorry Taya, but someday you'll see I did the right thing." Bellamy shook his head. He was remorseful, but not about what he was about to do, but about them.
"Reese would hate you." Taya spat, her words cruel. Taya looked him over with hatred before letting Octavia move her aside.
Her eyes glared a hole into the back of Bellamy's head until the gates closed.
She quickly wiped away the one stubborn tear that betrayed her stone cold face.
"Bellamy, you okay?" Octavia asked as she left Taya's side and hurried forward to her brothers side. His eyes finally left the ground.
Taya watched silently from afar with a deep frown.
"I'm fine." Bellamy brushed her off. Octavia asked him something else but he didn't answer as he pushed on. Taya couldn't tear her eyes off their bloodied bodies. Yet not one was hurt.
"Lock it up." Pike called as he walked in, being the last.
"All right. Seal it up!" The operator called.
"Everybody, listen up." Pike called, climbing on top of something bigger than a chair this time and turning to the crowd. Taya felt Bellamy's eyes flicker over to her, but she'd set her unfriendly gaze on the Chancellor.
"Twenty-four hours ago, you elected me your Chancellor. Every action I've taken since, and every action I will take, will be to achieve one sacred goal. The creation of a self-sustaining, prosperous and safe Arkadia." Pike said.
"Yeah!" People replied.
"It already was dipshit!" Taya called and the crowd turned to her. She shrugged.
"What? We're on old American soil, you know the saying, free speech." Taya glared at anyone who dared meet her eyes.
Pike ignored her.
"This morning, on a muddy field, our people paid tribute to those who have been taken from us by sending a message to the Grounders. This land is ours now." Pike yelled.
Everyone cheered.
"Resist and you will he met by force." Pike looked at Taya for that part and she smiled sarcastically. "Fight and you will be greeted by death. Today is a new beginning. Mark it down, remember it just like the Grounders will remember it." They cheered some more.

resist || bellamy blake
Fanfiction"STARED IN THE MIRROR AND PUNCHED IT TO SHATTERS COLLECTED THE PIECES AND PICKED OUT A DAGGER." nightmare, halsey re•sist /rəˈzist/ withstand the action or effect of. Taya was no stranger to having to resist the environment around her, and the groun...