"We've been at this for two days. There must be something we're not thinking of. What if we could reach the nearest nuclear reactor?" Bellamy asked, the group all tiredly slung around the chancellors quarters.
"I told you, the meltdown started months ago. There's no magic button to turn them off. Today this isn't Black Rain, but it will be soon." Raven stressed. "That's why we have to focus on riding out the radiation, finding someplace safe and big enough to hold all 500 of us."
"This isn't just about saving us. I made a promise to Roan. It's about saving everyone." Clarke corrected Raven, but tried to make sure everyone else understood as well.
"And that's why we need to tell everyone. Crowdsource it. If there's another Mount Weather out there, the Grounders will know about it." Raven pointed out, and Taya wished it was that easy.
"And you think they're just gonna tell us just like that?" Bellamy started pointing out the flaws. "If we tell everybody they're gonna die, the coalition is over, Roan falls, and the grounders will be at our gate."
"Then just tell our people. We need more minds on this problem." Raven stated, knowing even she wasn't smart enough to get it done herself. "On the ark, people volunteered for the culling because they were told the truth and given a choice... A choice your dad died for." Raven reminded Clarke who basically bristled.
"You think I've forgotten that?" Clarke glared at her.
"Hey, come on she didn't mean it in that way." Taya sighed, standing up. She'd been the mediator over the past two days considering she was useless in this field otherwise.
"Okay. We'll tell everybody the truth as soon as we have a viable solution." Bellamy stepped forward to compromise. "Without one, it'll start a panic."
"You don't know that." Raven objected.
"That's it!" Monty explained excitedly. Everyone turned to him, but he stayed turned away and looking out the window.
"What are you talking about?" Clarke asked.
"Think." He turned around to face them. "Alpha station survived for 97 years in space through elevated radiation levels and extreme temperature fluctuations. Sound familiar? All we have to do is patch up the ship. We're standing in our viable solution." Monty said with a happy smile.
Everyone looked around at the room they stood in, also realizing the answer was right in their face. Taya smiled and shot forward hugging Monty happily.
"Thank you." She whispered to him before letting him go.
"Okay, so we get some rest and start tomorrow?" Bellamy asked, looking around and no one objected, all of them knowing they needed sleep.
And with that, people started to filter out. Taya and Bellamy left, walking next to each other back to their shared room.
For some reason since getting back, Bellamy hadn't moved back out, and Taya hadn't asked him to.
But currently Taya's head was completely somewhere else.
They had a way to survive now. Long enough for a baby to be born. That meant she had to tell Clarke. And Bellamy.
She glanced at him as they entered the room, him allowing her to go first. She sat down heavily on her bed, taking her shoes off.
Bellamy slung his jacket off and placed on the table, the mirror above it.
"Whatever happened to this?" He asked, nodding to the shattered thing.
"I threw a chair at it." Taya frowned, but didn't share how at the time she'd pretended it was him.

resist || bellamy blake
Fanfiction"STARED IN THE MIRROR AND PUNCHED IT TO SHATTERS COLLECTED THE PIECES AND PICKED OUT A DAGGER." nightmare, halsey re•sist /rəˈzist/ withstand the action or effect of. Taya was no stranger to having to resist the environment around her, and the groun...