It'd been 2 and 1/2 days. Not that Taya could tell.
She'd spent the days slipping in and out of consciousness but at this point she'd been conscious enough to know that enough time had passed.
Someone should have found her by now. So that left only one logical reason, there was no one left to find her. She had to assume the worst if she wanted to survive.
That's why she had to get up.
She started slow, first wiggling her fingers. The burns were painful, but not impossible to move with. She felt the dirt, got a grip and swallowed her fear. Based on how much it hurt just laying there, she knew this was gonna hurt like a bitch.
So she decided to go in steps. She let out a choked cry as she sat up, everything in her body protesting. The sword in her body hurt the most. She leaned against the tree trunk and closed her eyes, debating just dying there.
She could barely sit up, she didn't know how much more she could do.
But she had to. She had to keep surviving, because last she'd seen, Bellamy was alive and okay.
"You can do this." Taya whispered quietly to herself before pulling her legs closer to her and using her good arm to help herself up. She swayed dangerously at the pain and braced against a tree, focusing on breathing through the pain.
Suddenly yelling came from the dropship, causing Taya to turn. A small ridge was blocking her view as she debated investigating. Maybe she was wrong, maybe they were alive.
Or maybe it was grounders, finishing off any survivors like herself.
Taya took the dumb move and started moving towards the dropship, praying it was someone who could help her as her vision began to swim and her steps became more and more stumbled.
She'd almost made it to the top when she slipped, hitting the ground and letting out a gasp as the sword was jostled. She clenched her eyes tight in pain as it radiated over her. She slowly lowered herself onto the ground, her eyes fluttering to the back of her head as she passed out, unaware Bellamy was just over that ridge.
When Taya opened her eyes, it was dark. She groaned and licked her lips only to find it useless. She could tell she was hours from death, if not from her wounds then dehydration. It was move now or die.
So Taya went through it again, eventually reaching her feet as she moved to the dropship. It was dead silent inside.
Taya forced herself not to dwell on it as she searched for water, eventually finding some and drinking it greedily. She need more.
She also realized that dark was probably her best shot to get to water undetected.
Taya clenched her jaw and tucked the bottle into her waistband, also searching for a weapon before heading out.
In the dark, Taya missed the big white letters directing her to survival.
Taya was on the brink of death by the time she reached the river, and she knew it.
But the best she could do was collapse at the river bank, bending down and using one hand to cup water into her mouth.
She drank greedily until eventually the pain of moving her burnt arm outweighed her thirst. Taya sunk back onto her heels and looked up at the sky. It was beautiful out.
Taya wanted to keep looking at it.
So, Taya slowly lowered herself into the shallow end of the water, liking the cold on her burning up skin.

resist || bellamy blake
Fanfiction"STARED IN THE MIRROR AND PUNCHED IT TO SHATTERS COLLECTED THE PIECES AND PICKED OUT A DAGGER." nightmare, halsey re•sist /rəˈzist/ withstand the action or effect of. Taya was no stranger to having to resist the environment around her, and the groun...