tw: mentioning of abuse
hi all, i'm writing this on july 5th 2020 and with the information we've been given at this time (even if it is all alleged) i believe it's my duty as someone promoting this show and also the actors/actresses behind it, that i should say something.
first things first, if this information is true, as i am inclined to believe it is, i would like to make it clear to this audience that that behavior in a relationship is not okay.
i will day is again, it. is. not. okay.
to anyone in a situation similar, or has been or potentially will be in the future let me make it clear that that was an abusive relationship. it is not something you should have to go through and if you have the resourses and support to leave, i truly hope you do. however, you are a victim currently and it takes an extraordinary amount of strength to acknowledge that and even more to do something about it. so you are allowed to take your time, but know i and many others will do what we can to help you
but please do not accept your current reality as normal or something you have to put up with, you all every single one of you deserves to be in a relationship with no questions or worries, a relationship where you wake up everyday feeling happy. you deserve someone that will be your safe place. with that being said, do not feel you have to fix the person making the situation for you bad, that is their job and theirs alone. please make sure you are maintaining balance, it should truly be a 50/50 split and make sure they would do the same for you if you ever were truly struggling.
i promise you there is hope and there are people out there who can give it to you.
also, please try not to read comments about the situation as there will always be fans who stand with bob and eliza even if it all becomes confirmed as true. they will try and push their justifications onto you and that can be extremely harmful to read, however tempting.
finally, comments on who you believe and who you don't will be deleted, this is not the place for that. this is a place for anyone who might find themselves in situations like the ones arryn depicted and explained.
i love you all, and please know you are worthy of being happy.
(24/7)National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Stop it Now! 1-888-PREVENT
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE
National Domestic Violence Hotline Spanish 1-800-942-6908
Trevor Hotline (Suicide) 1-866-4-U-TREVOR
loveisrespect Call 1-866-331-9474 (24/7)
American Family Housing 1-888-600-435

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